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jilly rizzo

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  1. barabra tropp
  2. i think the most obvious choice for 'chicken' would be jeff smith aka 'the frug' -back door man, inc.
  3. this is what i don't get. if you are so opposed to the schilling... DON'T BUY IT!!! madonna mia! pot kettle, inc.
  4. Reap the whirlwind, Rick. don't fear the reaper rickster. more cowbell, inc.
  5. considering the venom I DO. yeah, crack is bad. let me smoke a 20 rock just to see what all the fuss is about. jilly pot kettle black, inc.
  6. An aside, how is this i just turned on PBS here in DC and guess who is all up in Julia's kitchen right now as I type this? Rick Bayless... he all be boiling red onions w/ Juizzle Chizzle... granted the episode is god knows how many years old but, talk about serendipity! put that in yo' salamander and broil it. you go rick with your english cucumbers... super size that mo' fo' -jilly celestine prophecy, inc.
  7. you go Singizzle! if you ask me rick got the best of BK. talk about niche. what also gets me, is that some folks here, who are most opposed to Rizzle Bayizzle's decision RAN OUT AND BOUGHT THE FUCKING SANDWICH!!!!!!!!!!! come on now.
  8. word to nick. rut tut tut tut, inc.
  9. Sorry Tony, I was talking about Gordon Elliot. Tizzle Bourdizzle in the egizzle hizzle, giving a shout out from Koizzle Lampizzle, in a drop top 6-4. Compton and Long Beach, Inc.
  10. ok seth, how can we resolve this? i know his schilling of BK gives him as much credibilty as Elvis' black-belt, but come on, look at all them zeros. i felt the same way when i heard iggy pop's 'lust for life' on a Norweigan Cruise line commercial. i was thinking to myself,"why not Lou Reed's 'Waiting for the Man"? so. either we can give 'ol rick a pass, or we can all take up pitchforks, and torches and storm casa de rick, like he mistook a 'lil girl, and threw her in a river because he thought she was a flower. i lean towards giving him a pass. so he fellated a corporate entitiy. perter north used to do gay porn, and look at him now. see what i'm saying? laughing all the way to the bank, i think they say. so for now, let BK fund his jags to Sao Paolo in search of the perfect skirt steak. you don't have to. i don't have to. last time i went into a BK, was b/c i had a full bladder. i'm not jetting down there to chow on a rick sandwich. and i don't think you will either. what's that line.... if you lie in bed with the devil, eventually you have to do the nasty. leave rick in peace... locked in a 69 with beezulbozo, let him deep throat a double whopper. but by all means though, wish him well. he has a corporate stinky pinky. egullet dawarinism at work. regards, jilly -it's alive, inc.
  11. irony no serendipity, yes! yes i have lived in various and dubious incarnations, seth. alas, that is the glory of anonimity. i love to beat a dead horse. regards, jilly no ficking ziti, inc.
  12. NEWS FLASH: Drudgereport.com: RICK BAYLESS DEBACLE Santa Fe NM, 8:33 EST Rick Bayless guru of all cusine Mexican admits to Oxycontin addiction, mauled by white tiger. In a stunning devolopment, Rick Bayless, after signing a six-figure deal with Burger King, admits only to doing so after a long struggle with the pharmecutical drug Oxyconitn. In a sad turn of events, egullet.com regular, 'Fat Guy' disillusioned by Bayless' endorsement of sub-standard fare, sent Bayless a parcel via Federal Express. The parcel contained a rare, white Bengal Tiger, named O-Toro. Upon opening the package, Bayless was suprised, and attacked by the feline, who grabbed the Food Personality by the soul patch, and carried him off to a local Taco Bell. Witnesses tried to thwart the attack by pelting the rare tiger with 'School of Rock' Kiddie meals, to no avail. Bayless was mauled, and taken to Cedar's Sanai, with injuries to the neck, and gullet. Why he was transported to the west coast, will be a subject of debate for decades to come. We will interrupt egullet, with updates as matters dictate.
  13. Thanks Soba, Pass the Uni. Jills-y
  14. Regardless, what's done is done. if you don't agree, or like it, take a pass on all things Burger king, and Rick Bayless. Get over it. I was not happy in the 80's when some beer company used the Sinatra version of 'The Way You Look Tonight' for their ads. Did I boycott Francis Albert? NO. I got over it. I always knew Frank would never drink anything less than Jack Daniels. I took it in stride. Because I have High Hopes. pie in the sky, Jilly
  15. tommy- you sure play a mean pinball, but what if RB actually believes what he is pitching. that does not make him a hypocrite. maybe he is all in to fight the good long battle. regardless, he did it all for the nookie.
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