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Everything posted by sieve

  1. ouch. maybe this very recent article will help: "And while New York, with its suffocating commercialism, seems increasingly hidebound, it is to Chicago that the true theatregoer now avidly looks." the guradian on chicago vs new york theater
  2. tarka- i'm not sure what your shoe shopping schedule is but there's a smaller farmer's market in wicker park proper on sunday mornings. a handful of vendors but not bad. i hear last week, the first, showed some good cauliflower and berries. keep in mind though that the farmers wake up way earlier than most of the neighborhood. some other WP places to checkout: red hen bakery for good "artisanal" breads and pastries. sultan's market: a small middle eastern cafe that just added really good lamb schwerma to their list; ($5 sandwich= yum) sit at the bar at spring for a glass of wine and an app. piece for hand crafted beer, which is IMO, best in the city, and pizza which reminds me of new haven. reckless records, quimby's books, numerous shoe places ( fluevog clearance!) i'm sure others have more rec's too. i'll keep an eye out for you. t
  3. hey tarka- welcome to chicago! you may or may not yet be familiar with a great chicagoblog, fuckcorporategroceries; it certainly seems right up your alley. while some of the places jes posts about may be a little far flung for someone not completely down with the CTA, there are still some good tips on places to shop that are not evil. plus it might be nice to get out of downtown. come to wicker park; here we all have red and blonde hair and sit by ourselves reading; it's a signifier for own brand of disenfranchisement! terrence
  4. ..because we all know how many USDA inspectors there are working in the US and the percentage of our food products that are actually inspected every year...
  5. sieve


    you should stop by "les trois brasseurs" for all you want tarte flambee and giant schoppe of house brewed beer. a great bargain. jean joho reccomends the crocodile, but it was way out of my league. have a great time.
  6. i'll tell you what. let rick shit on his values. then you can shit on him for shitting on his values. then i'll shit on you for shitting on rick's values. then you can shit on me for shitting on you for shitting on rick for shitting on his values. who wants to be on top of the pile? dude, aside from that giant eyeball, which totally freaks me out, i 'll listen to you and take you at your word. what i won't do is denounce you because i don't get where you're coming from.
  7. you know, i really liked the egullet kids until this thread. yeah, i've been quiet, but i've been liking you quietly. i'm so tired of the character assassination. until you can tell me you are, in fact, rick baylless' moral compass, and i'll want proof, like dna proof, then shut the fuck up. and if you are, and you tell me, "hey man, i really did do it for the money and yeah, i totally sold out my values" then i want you to remember that time that one day where you cheated on your girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife, lied to your boss, told your kids you wish you never had them, took out a secret second mortgage to cover your debt, wore your spouses underwear and got caught, fucked up the big report or bled in to your mise-en-place and didn't say anything, and then judge yourself by that instance for the rest of your god-damned life. in fact, make a sign that's got your worst moment on it and wear it around your freaking neck. better yet, do it on national TV. and right underneath it write in really big letters "MY WORST MOMENT: IT INVALIDATES EVERTYHING I AM". and then suck my fucking dick.
  8. forgive my length here, but i feel this is really worth interjecting, even though i was going to keep quiet on this beast that just won't die. you may know dave eggers, you may not. you may thinks he's pompous or a sell out. if you don't know him, you don't really need to to understand what he has to say on a topic kin to this: "You want to know how big a sellout I am? A few months ago I wrote an article for Time magazine and was paid $12,000 for it I am about to write something, 1,000 words, 3 pages or so, for something called Forbes ASAP, and for that I will be paid $6,000 For two years, until five months ago, I was on the payroll of ESPN magazine, as a consultant and sometime contributor. I was paid handsomely for doing very little. Same with my stint at Esquire. One year I spent there, with little to no duties. I wore khakis every day. Another Might editor and I, for almost a year, contributed to Details magazine, under pseudonyms, and were paid $2000 each for what never amounted to more than 10 minutes work - honestly never more than that. People from Hollywood want to make my book into a movie, and I am probably going to let them do so, and they will likely pay me a great deal of money for the privilege... There is a point in one's life when one cares about selling out and not selling out. One worries whether or not wearing a certain shirt means that they are behind the curve or ahead of it, or that having certain music in one's collection means that they are impressive, or unimpressive. Thankfully, for some, this all passes. I am here to tell you that I have, a few years ago, found my way out of that thicket of comparison and relentless suspicion and judgment. And it is a nice feeling. Because, in the end, no one will ever give a shit who has kept shit 'real' except the two or three people, sitting in their apartments, bitter and self-devouring, who take it upon themselves to wonder about such things. The keeping real of shit matters to some people, but it does not matter to me. It's fashion, and I don't like fashion, because fashion does not matter. What matters is that you do good work. What matters is that you produce things that are true and will stand... What matters is that it will stand forever...What matters is not the perception, nor the fashion, not who's up and who's down, but what someone has done and if they meant it..." you van read the whole thing at http://www.pookie.tv/rant.html
  9. so i've ordered a free range organic turkey for the big hoilday. amusing in that there are only two of us, and the smallest available is 14lbs. whatever. my question is this: are there any appreciable difference in the bird that would need to be accounted for in prep/cooking? is it less fatty? gamier? bigger thighs, smaller breasts? maybe just a little more attitude? any feedback would be appreciated. thanks!
  10. if anyone is interested in persuing an overworked discussion ( but one i still find myself arguing regularly), here's a link to a great WSJ article that even mentions one of my local favorties, katerina's on irving park. starbucks not so bad, really it's from last september, but relevant still. and guaj, i too know a public school teacher who bought her home with the help of starbucks shares, a feat otherwise impossible on her CPS salary. so there.
  11. my old neighbors made peanut butter BACON and ketchup sandwiches. for breakfast.
  12. thanks all aorund! it looks like a weekend of smoothies, tomato salads and grilled BLT pizza, but probably with arugula and prosciutto. y'all got my hunger back!
  13. isn't it time to merge this thread with the one on gary arabia's "body sushi"? i think that may solve some issues.
  14. now this i like. i spend a decent amount of time at the broadway supermarket in chicago, a huge asian grocer where i may as well be blindfolded, even though i have some professional experience with asian ingredients. usually it goes like this: what is it? i don't know. are you going to cook it? do you think i should? well, will it kill us if we eat it like that? i dont know. then you try it.
  15. thanks, matthew. i've got the drinking thing covered and i usually get my blue cheese burger fix at silver cloud, on damen. there of course, it's more about the tater tots than the burger...
  16. i've put myself in a bad spot. having semi-seriously resolved only to eat at home things off the grill ( yeah! i finally have a yard!) i've completely worn out my appetite for the very same. i cant bring myself to cook inside and as a result have been eating really erratically. so here's the question: what do you eat when you really don't have a taste for anything? i need help. don't let me starve.
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