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Everything posted by chefrodrigo

  1. I'm coming down to Austin for a little relaxation, food, and the hot sauce festival. What are the best places to hit for Mexican these days? When I was there earlier in the year I really loved Joe's Bakery for breakfast. I'm looking for low end to high end this time. Rodney Podnah's Pit BBQ
  2. I used to live close to Sam's and would frequent it late at night. One time I was standing in line and there was an argument going on between a customer and a hooker in line behind me. He was wanting to give her some business and she was on break. When it was my turn to order they both decided to cut in front of me and say they were next. The lady taking orders put them both in their place and told them to "Leave the white boy alone and let him order his food" We didn't make it there last year but definitely will this year. Good Idea Rodney
  3. I'm bringing the staff down again in April for another barbecue trip. We will hit all the usual spots surrounding Austin but I'm curious about what is going on in Austin proper right now. Who is cooking in an all wood pit these days? Or, if not that, what is the best in the city? Thanks for any tips Rodney Podnah's Pit Barbecue
  4. I had heard about Mueller's and I was sad. I used to live pretty close to Sam's and I was a late night regular. We'll add that to the list for sure.
  5. I don't know if anyone will remember the thread "Texas Gluttony" from a few years ago but we are coming back for more. Podnah's Pit Barbecue will be headed south on April 20 for 4 days of "research" on bbq, beer, and TexMex. We are going to hit Lockhart, Lulling, Gonzales, and Taylor. Is there anything opened recently in Austin that we shouldn't miss? See You Soon Rodney
  6. Thanks Frank One of my friends there has mentioned the pizza place. Is the Mars you mention the same one that was over by the university when I lived there? I used to really enjoy that place. Rodney
  7. Well it's been 3 years. After working the local farmers markets with a trailer pit and one night a week at a friends restaurant I've finally opened my own restaurant. We've been open since November and so far it's quite a hit. But, I've been working 80 hours a week for the last 5 months and I decided I need a break. So the wife and I are coming back for "mini gluttony part II" at the end of May. I say mini gluttony because I plan on sitting by the pool at the Austin Motel and drinking margaritas at Guerros for at least half of each day. Any new places in town? I hear John Mueller shut his place down?? Can't wait to get back to Texas. Rodney
  8. Was it the type of Weber that you would have to lift the lid every time you want to tend the fire? If so, I'd recommend buying a Weber bullet before the next try. Keeping a steady temperature is one of the keys to succesful smoking and every time you lift the lid you let out that precious heat, moisture, and pressure built up inside the chamber. Rodney
  9. Where to begin... Seriously, if anyone has any questions, I am very happy to answer them here, via email to eric@cellartracker.com, or at www.cellartracker.com/forum. I don't want to overstep my bounds by overpromoting, so I would prefer to respond rather than spam if you know what I mean. ← Hey Eric Nice to see you on egullet. Rodney in Portland
  10. Consacrer, For the first time visitor it is best to stick with the plain pie (cheese) or the marg. Combinations are limited to 3 ingredients with no more than 1 meat. I'd go with the sausage or hot capicollo. As for times to go either be in line at 4:45 or wait until after 8 but not later than 8:30. Usually out of dough by 9-9:30 Rodney
  11. I'm relatively new to the area and in the wine business, as well. Haven't had luck finding a regular tasting group in Portland, so if anyone is interested in possibly starting one...I was in a great one for a few years with an interesting mix of current and former wine & restaurant people. I found it always interesting - and always humbling! ← I would be interested although I am working 6 days/week now. But I could make it to some I'm sure. Rodney
  12. The first time I had a Calon Segur, Bordeaux, the first thing i thought was black olives. It was very pronounced on the nose and the palate. I loved it personally but I also love olives. rodney
  13. Thanks for the report byrdhouse. I've been hearing about New Sammy's for a while myself but I haven't made it down yet. I've heard the food is worth the trip and they have one of the better wine lists in the state. Now I've gotta plan a trip south. rodney
  14. Don't worry Kyle, You'll forget all about that pizza when you get to Portland. rodney
  15. I used to work for Saul. A very cool guy who is definitely serious about food. He was one of the, if not THE, Smith street pioneers who does deserve more praise. Rodney
  16. Sara Elizabeth and I recently spent our honeymoon in Vancouver. We started in Tofino on Vancouver Island. An incredibly beautiful place but the price of everything turned me off a bit. We were both happy to get to Vancouver city. Of the places you have mentioned I have some thoughts. We always look for the best seafood wherever we travel. The best oysters we had on our trip were at Rodney's. The service was a little strange but the oysters were tip top. They had a choice of 6 different oysters and we told the bartender we would like 2 of each. His reply was "You can't really taste the difference in oysters so I'll just pick out a dozen for you". We insisted on the 2 each and there was a definite difference in all of them. As for Tojos we've only been once but had a great meal. This was on a previous trip and I don't remember the details but I do remember it was all very good. Sun Sui Wah for dim sum definitely and get there early. The other place we went that is not on your list is Chambar. We went there the first night after arriving from Tofino. We completely stuffed ourselves with incredible food and several drinks and it was 1/3 less and 2/3 better than any meal on the trip. The one place we tried to go and didn't make it was Go Fish. Next time. Rodney
  17. chefrodrigo

    Chili con Carne

  18. A tuile perhaps? with a savory element and less sweet
  19. I'll do that. We are going tonight. I do have a question for you. My wife and I usually end up buying local seafood at retail shops whenever we travel to coastal towns to sample and have as snacks. That seems to be hard to do here. The only shop I've found is the one on Campbell, can't remember the name, and their fish doesn't look fresh they never have small oysters and their crab is more than I would pay in Portland(home). I'm just curious that for a fishing town there seems to be not much for the retail buyer. I do think this is one of the most beautiful places I have been on the west coast though. Rodney
  20. We were there last night for the first meal in Tofino. We ended up just making a meal out of appetizers at the bar. Had a great time. Shelter is a very nice place. I think we are going to try to go to Pamplona tonight or possibly friday. Do any of you work there? Rodney and Elizabeth Portland, OR
  21. We are now on the list. melkor, I'm not sure which direction we'll be coming from. We are going to head down the coast from Portland and just plan things as we go. If we don't get into FL has anyone been to La Toque? I've read good things. thanks rodney
  22. Thanks for the fast reply melkor I'll do that. If its not possible do you, or anyone, have any other suggestions for alternatives if we can't get in. Thanks again Rodney
  23. Can someone tell me what the chances are of getting reservations on a weekday for dinner at FL? It would be the week of the 27th September which would be very short notice. A longshot indeed but looking for tips. Is there a standby? Thanks in Advance Rodney
  24. I'll second Jim on Ken's over St. Honore. I don't really get why St Honore is popular. Ken's breads and pastries are much better and so are Pearl's. My top choices for a meal in Portland would be Castagna, Park Kitchen, or Clarklewis. Rodney
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