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Posts posted by ophelie

  1. Although moving away from cheesecake for a moment, and talking about other things to fry...

    The father of a friend of mine is a carnie by trade. So, my friend grew up working at a funnel cake stand in the summer. In his adult life, he has professional quality funnel cake equipment in his home. He's done fried Snickers (although I haven't tried it) and one day when talking about the Snickers, actually tried...


    ...sooooo yummy, although it sounds scary. The biscotti gets a little soft and warm from the oil and then the crispy outside layer.

    I have had a bite (good, but all I could have because of the richness) of a fried Twinkie too. And I have hearf that fried Oreos are a big hit too.

    - O, with arteries clogged

  2. I've wanted to visit Brighton for a long time. mmmm, pelmeni.

    How did you get there? (i.e. what subway line, and does one go left or right after exiting the train, etc.?)

    I went to Brighton Beach this summer for the first time. From a friend's place in Greenpoint (Brooklyn), it was a terribly long and circuitous route. I can't even imagine how to tell you how to get there, aside from telling you to grab a subway map (There is a Brighton Beach stop).

    - O

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