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Everything posted by divina

  1. I had moved to Florence... didn't speak Italian.. began studying cooking on my own with magazines... finally after a year.. met this great guy and offered to cook for him.. I made Pasta with Amatriciana sauce... he pushed it away and walked out of the room...we have been together for 18 years now.. and I teach cooking! I later found out he wouldn't eat it because the pancetta had been BOILED in the tomato sauce... and not left crispy... AND I hadn't salted the pasta water enough! Now I teach cooking... so have gotten better
  2. having attended Catholic school for more than 13 years on America and now living in the Pope's own land, I am immersed in Icons. San Lorenzo, grilled to death, is the patron saint of the market where I teach my classes. symbol a young boy with a grill in hand... I have my own guardian angle watching over my kitchen and my site Santa Lucia has always been one of my favorites, looking like a lovely waitress with serving platter with eyese looking up! and my street in Florence, Via Taddea, happens to be named after my patron Saint Jude, taddeas! Patron saint of lost causes.. St Christopher.. patron saint of travel... has always come through.. But to be sure... I have a krisna guarding my house!
  3. second try I am so there!!! Mille grazie
  4. Thanks! But when I right click on the image.. I don't get the link. I will work on it! Next time call when you are here!
  5. I am new to the forum and am really sorry to miss out on this! living in italy.. and 13 years of catholic school ( I am AMerican).. I have a fascination for Saints!!! I live in Florence, Italy and teach cooking. I work at the Central Market right downtown and it is the Mercato di San Lorenzo.. St. Lawrence.. He was Grilled!!!! I have some fabulous images at home, he is always shown with a lovely iron grill in his hand! .. but am downtown teaching this week! For fabulous icons, I love Santa Lucia, eyes on a plate...one of my favorites! My own patron saint is Jude.. patron saint of the impossible!!! Can't wait to read the outcomes!!!! When in Rome, look for some of the lovely Pope-openers... bottle openers with the pope on them! i have my own guardian angel as my logo on My site but don't know how to copy the image here!
  6. WOW complementi! you bike to Delfina's from Florence!!! The wines from Carmignano are fabulous as is the tour of capezzana! It is a great day trip.. but I am a car babe for that! I do like Lucca.. and if you have a car.. there is the fabulous restaurant outside going up towards the hills called La Mora.
  7. Thanks Craig.. I can't wait until I can add my avatar!
  8. I live nearby.. so let me know exactly where the villa is. I live in Certaldo.. but lived in Panzano, where I worked with Dario Cecchini, the buther of life) The Antinori's own the fonte dei medici propertiesm the the Badia di Passignano, or are you farther up the hill? up the dirt road??? Let me know I will be glad to give you feedback on the area!
  9. I was just at Gusto in January, they have added another space!
  10. I adore the hosteria Orso '80 in Rome, via del orso 33 Start with the table full of anipasti and then see if you have room for more! I was recently in Rome with 50 foodies..and one of my favorite meals was at Ditirambo -- don't have my notes with me now.. Also ate at Giggetto wasn't really impressed, heard piperno was better.. I always buy herbs from Mauro in the Campo di fiori.. even my husband ( Florentine) loves when I use these dried mixtures! There is a new Wine Academy to the left of Babbington's tea room near the Piazza di Spagna.. And I REALLY enjoyed Gusto, the new center with restaurant, Pizza, shop and winebar.. near Piazza Augusto Imperatore on the left side of the Piazza.. FLorence???? look at my dining guide.. besides All the regulars that are great.. try Cavolo nero! another of the mom and dad places Sergio's is now open for dinner, Tuesday meat, Friday Fish!
  11. Easy daytrips.. for one thing, with daytrips, make lunch your big meal out! Almost everything shuts down at lunch time, so it makes sense. Bologna is a fabuluos day trip, I love their market outdoors between the buildings off the Piazza.. and the food! Chianti can be reached by bus.. Greve has a great new winetasting cantina hidden near the Coop grocery store..a fabulous experience for wine lovers! you get a prepaid card.. 10,20 Euro, are handed a glass.. and go to one of the round tables with 14 wines, and push a button and are give a 1 oz tasting of a wine, this can cost from 30 cents to 8 Euro! There is more info on my site. Both Lucca and Arezzo are easy train day trips. ( Depending when you are there, they are both towns that have incredible antique markets on the weekend. Arezzo the first Sunday and the Satruday before and Lucca the Third Sunday and the Satruday before) Again LUNCH! It is easy to dine in Florence at night even lightly after a large lunch!
  12. I haven't had much time to surf!! internet time is expenisve in Italy.. but will try! I am going down into FLorence Tomorrow and will check out the Easter possibilities!
  13. Isn't that funny, here in Florence we call those pumpkin like tomatoes Fiorentini, Florence style!!! I've been gone too long!
  14. Ciao I live here in Florence, but will be teaching on Saturday... Sunday will be going to the Santa Spirito Flea market here is my Florence's Ice Cream Guide You must go to Vestri!!! he is a chocolate maker and his ice cream is kept in the cans in the counter!!! the BEST love the chocolate and chili!!!
  15. Ciao! I have been in Florence for 20 years.. and shop at Casa del Vino, owned by Gianno Migliorini on Via del Ariento near the Central Market.. love it! another couple of things.. the dollar has been lower! hard to believe.. but it was at 1,000 lira to the dollar... in 1990? ( gulf war) the lira was changed over at a rate of 1,936...to the Euro..but since it changed to Euro it has lost 40%.. was at an almost alltime high! What is really bad is that the prices have almost doubled.. some people took advantage of the switch to raise prices! also Mimmo at VEscovino doesn't serve Dario Cecchini's steaks ( the butcher from Panzano) I worked with Dario for years.. and very few people have his steak.. the best way to find out who has it is to go to Dario and ask! Other say they do.... but!!! Mimmo's wine selection is fab! In florence another great place to buy wine is at Le Volpe e L'Uva, they specialize in a great quality price ratio and are very very good! Tiny place! It is just over the Ponte Vecchio.. and up a block and turn left under the arch way!
  16. divina

    Eating Firenze

    I have been living in Florence since 1984 and have a dining guide online for some great places to try... not all of them but a good start! Stop by for my dining guide for Florence and Chianti as well as recipes online! Buon Appetito!
  17. divina

    Oaxaca Dining

    Thanks for your info! I had been to Suzanna's school years ago and am returning now for a refresher course!!! will be speding a week in Oaxaca and then off to the beach! I hope to perfect my tamales! will be stocking up on the chocolate... and perhaps even a comal.. it is hard to bring it back to Italy though! Looking forward to tasting the mescals..and other goodies too!!!
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