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  1. sorry to rehash an old topic, but i read through the cast iron pan discussion and my question wasn't answered. i just bought a lodge cast iron pan, and seasoned it according to the instructions that came with the pan (wash with hot water, cover with oil/ crisco, bake in oven for 1 hr). i used it first to make a seafood pasta, which came out wonderfully. then i washed it with hot water and a sponge (no soap) and proceeded to make a tarte tartin. there was no sticking involved at all, so i'm assuming the seasoning process worked. however, there was the lingering smell of seafood in the pan that i couldn't get rid of (though i resisted using soap, which probably would have gotten rid of it). the smell did very subtly affect my tarte tartin. is there anyway to get rid of the smell? or should i just reserve the pan for specific uses (ie dessert pan, savory pan, etc.)?
  2. At the store the other day I saw a bunch of italian cooking plums. I was instantly intrigued... does any one know what to do with these?
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