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Alsace Pinot Blanc


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Does anybody know of any good Alsace Pinot Blancs?

As a rule, I found that the 2003's were pretty terrible, and they're not moving off the shelves in the stores apparently for that reason.

Has anybody found or tried any good 2004's?

Overheard at the Zabar’s prepared food counter in the 1970’s:

Woman (noticing a large bowl of cut fruit): “How much is the fruit salad?”

Counterman: “Three-ninety-eight a pound.”

Woman (incredulous, and loud): “THREE-NINETY EIGHT A POUND ????”

Counterman: “Who’s going to sit and cut fruit all day, lady… YOU?”

Newly updated: my online food photo extravaganza; cook-in/eat-out and photos from the 70's

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