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TDG: Liquid Literature

Andy Lynes

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I used to read about domestic wine, talk about domestic wine, buy and drink only domestic wine, and I was on virtually every California “cult” cabernet mailing list; I was “into” this country’s juice about as obsessively as anyone could be. All of this does nothing at all to explain why the vast majority of the wines in my cellar today are from Europe.

Somewhere along the way however, Jim Cowan was pointed in a different direction. "It surely didn’t happen overnight", he says "and as near as I can determine, it came in several, very gradual steps . . ."


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Interesting questions on our contries current love of homemade products. I think that the current trend away from richer reds has something also to do with America's current obsession with light food, and for that, a light wine.

Some people say the glass is half empty, others say it is half full, I say, are you going to drink that?

Ben Wilcox


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I think that the current trend away from richer reds has something also to do with America's current obsession with light food, and for that, a light wine.


Not just us old guys are going a bit lighter, even a good number of youngsters seem to be thinking that way.

Best, Jim


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