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1995 Dom Perignon


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I received one of these for Christmas. Dom is the one Champagne I've never had, so hubby decided to gift me with one. Comments on this vintage?


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I haven't read the article posted above, but I've downed plenty of 1995 Champagne. IMO, the Champagne producers are enjoying a great duo of vintages from 1995-96. The jewel in this crown is 1996, and those wines will be around for a long time. Krug may not even disgorge and release for over ten years yet. So while people wait for the 96s to tame some of their ferocity, they can enjoy the 95s, which are just starting to enter their premiere drinking window. They will not be as powerful as the 96s, but they do show great balance and finesse.

We cannot employ the mind to advantage when we are filled with excessive food and drink - Cicero

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ANY DOM PERIGNON will be good! Don't worry about the vintage. Each vintage is slightly different and the enjoyment of vintage champagne shoulde be looked at as an opportunity. Long ago we purchased a case of 1962 DOM and until we tasted it, didn't regard it as anything great. It was one of the best Champagne's I have ever tasted. -Dick

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