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WTN: 2001 Ruffino Orivieto Classico


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$6 TJ Points = 82

I bought this on Saturday to make some bolognese sauce with. I needed some white wine to do this with since I was ashamedly almost out of ANY white wine in the house.

This had simple white fruit aromas, the nicest was a bit of honeysuckle followed by off balanced lemon. It was quite acidic, which was good, since I had to improvise on my bolognese recipe (I didn't have a bunch of canned whole peeled tomatoes -- ACK!). Decent pale yellow colors with a tiny amount of green around the edges. The tastes revolved around everything that was in the nose, except really the honeysuckle. Just a bit too lemony for me. It would have been better with a dish that encompassed a bit more citrus in it, perhaps a fish dish.

Anyway, all in all, a decent quaffing wine, and it delivered mostly what I expected of a $6 bottle of wine.

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