On 1/3/2018 at 4:07 PM, Tuber magnatum said:
I wondered the same thing. My plan is to try with what ever methylcellulose I have lying around (I think f50 off the top of my head). Need to source a small canister of helium first. Will post results when I get around to it.
I need to buy another tank of helium, little girl is turning 8 in couple of weeks and we have fun blowing the balloons together, so threw in a bag of f50 into my last amazon order, if I get cracking on it before you do, I'll post the results. I'm curious to try the buzzfeed method too, might even try to cobble together a video of the process/results for giggles. If it comes together she is going to get a pretty cool cupcake display. I have a hunch it is F-50 as it is pretty common globally and if not will splurge on LV and HV, because both of those should cover it and if I wind up having to combine will have the range to give start giving it a go.