Happy to be back here. After a long year in Kerala, India helping with training villages for emergencies, my last post was about making ice creams for our crew with hydration and cooling down in the heat.
We have now come up with a new unit project where we would like to make frozen fruit type " ice cream " and sorbets for our crew for nutritional and lowering the core body temperature, from frozen bananas and frozen papayas, mangos, pineapples and gooseberries.
These fruits are readily available around the villages, far more available than the original milk products.
Luckily we have been donated a Magimix 5100 food processor from a chap in London which shall be arriving soon.
We have seen videos on YouTube but wanted to start a thread conversation about frozen banana and other fruit " ice cream " type deserts. I know it's not real ice cream being non dairy, but we really like the idea.
we have access to space in a chest freezer at a local shop that we can use to freeze the fruits, so we are looking for a little advice and possibly some good recipes if anyone here has any experience in such iced refreshment desserts.
We may add other spices like ginger and mint or even tea and coffee to the frozen fruits whilst still in the powerful food processor.
Still waiting for delivery for the magimix so we are trying to get our heads around some good recipes and a few suggestions would be very welcome.
Im personally looking forward to the sorbets. Vitamins, nourishment, hydration and cooling down, it's a win, win, win, win situation.
All suggestions and advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you and kind regards, Alex.