Saturday Lunch
In random order (which is how they are served).
Celery, Carrot, Nuts and Day Lily
Pork Hock Meat with Chili, Garlic and Coriander
Beef with Chili
Bamboo with, you guessed.
Pig Liver and Goose Liver with Chili Dip
Two Beans with Chili
I'm told this was some kind of mixed offal dish. It wasn't awful. The white blobs are quail eggs.
Steamed and Fried Shrimp
Pigs Ear with Red and Green Chili (The best dish of the meal, in my opinion)
Duck with, er Chili
Steamed Turbot with Soy Sauce (oh - and some chilis)
Out of focus Greenery
Steamed Buns
coming next - Saturday dinner.