13 hours ago, gfweb said:Cannot one do better with traditional cooking?
That depends entirely upon exactly who the "one" is. And which Schwan products we are discussing.
Not everybody likes to cook, or wants to cook, or has time to cook, or knows how to cook, or is a good cook. I certainly know people that can't produce an edible meal. And others that can but never wanted to. And even more that can, and wanted to, and did, but are tired, or incapable, of doing it now.
Not to mention that, in my experience anyway, few of even the most competent and enthusiastic cooks are turning out chocolate-covered ice-cream bars, a Schwan's staple.
Schwan's got its start, and its early fame, as a dairy, back in the '50s. I remember my grandmother always having a freezer full of assorted Schwan's treats. She was a legendary cook but, like most cooks, there were some items she'd rather just buy.
Also, many, many people take advantage of a myriad of options other than cooking - they buy convenience foods in grocery stores, they eat in restaurants, they bring home takeout.
Schwan's is just another one of those options.
And they deliver.
As I said above, I still drive, and I still cook - and god knows I don't need a freezer full of ice cream. So Schwan's is not yet appealing to me.
But I definitely can see a time approaching when it will be.