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Everything posted by stationequation

  1. I’ve got steaks down with the CF, and am almost ready to quit reverse sear or SV entirely for them. Two steps, max heat with avo oil, flipping every minute until the crust is nice and ready, then dial it back to 300F flipping every two-to-three minutes to finish cooking. I still use a thermapen instead of the probe. Since 300F is right on the cusp of the minimum Maillard temp, it kinda just stops browning. And a 2” steak is done in 10 minutes instead of hours. It doesn’t make the perfect edge-to-edge pink but the grey bands are very minimal. And maybe I’ve just been getting fantastic cuts lately, but I’ve been enjoying them more than my SV runs.
  2. I bought my Control Freak with the images of confits, ramens, and braises in my head, and it's turned into a Hollandaise machine. Not only making, but especially reheating leftover. I'm the only Hollandaise lover in the house, so I still make a serving for four, but put the rest in the fridge. The next morning I set the Freak to 125, stir in a heaping teaspoon at a time into a saucepan and whisk, and you can't tell it wasn't freshly made. Does the food pyramid still say you're supposed to eat 6-8 quarts of butter sauces per week?
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