Silly. The fact that ANYONE is still obsessing over this this shows the lack of interest in things that pertain to the world. He screwed up and got fired. plain and simple. anyone that misses him waiting on them can go over to his house and sit on his couch and get the "service " they desire. I am not a native, but those that ARE seem torn between apathy and minor upsetedness. i have never heard this discussed in the field.and by that, i mean any restaurant i go into, know people who work for, or have eaten at. the minor ones are the rich white old money upper class folks that have nothing real to care about, save how their stocks are performing, and when the next oil change on their caddy is. people that live and work here could care less. this town has 5000 waiters and the vast majority know more and can take better care of you than this over-inflated gentleman. thanks.