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Posts posted by dngovy

  1. I happened to be in DC this past Sunday for a concert and made the trek to Sushi Ko for an early dinner.. and I was not dissapointed! Fantastic sushi and Koji is just as personable and charming as he is a great sushi chef...

    I took a ton of pictures, which i'll post this weekend once I get back home so everyone can see what they are missing =). I basically had the same dishes that Sara has described in her reviews, so I wont repeat what has already been said.

    Definitely one of the best sushi restaurants I've had the pleasure to dine at (ranks up there with the stuff I was eating at Tsukiji Fish Market sushi places in my book). I'm jealous of you DC folks! I can only wish that we had this kind of calibre place down here in Texas that you guys get on the east coast..


  2. Great write up foodman!

    Sorry to hear that you got such poor service on your visit. My gf also complained about the lack of service and professionalism the first time she dined there (over a year ago). Fortunately for me, on my visit I got an excellent waiter. I believe his name was Bob. He is an older gentleman with a beard. A very knowledgeable waiter. As each dish came out, he came by to explain each dish and answered any questions we had for him.

    Anyways, I'll save the rest for my write up. My apologies for not writing it up sooner. Work has been taking a big chunk of my time lately. I promise i will get it all organized and posted when i get some time this weekend..

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