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Posts posted by SonOfNoun

  1. 13 minutes ago, shain said:

    If you are going for something pita like, I'd start at 60-65 g of water per 100g flour.

    The more kneading and the higher the gluten, you'll be able to have more hydration but will also have a chewier result. I'd go with all purpose flour.

    Thank you very much for responding! and yea Pita or Laffa looking Maṣṣa would be the goal here. 

    I'm curious what salt would do to dough/bread if I were to add it to the mix. Also what does over kneading do to the dough exactly? Increase the gluten activation and make the dough less sticky? Could mixing be done by a machine or would I need to use my hands?

    I hope it's ok that I am posting a link to two videos on how Jews traditionally made this bread. You could see it's EXTREMELY hydrated. But I'm trying to make this a bit more "factory" and "In home" friendly so to speak. So I'm trying to be exact with the method. 



  2. Hi I have a bit of an odd question.


    I would like to bake Matzoh/Maṣṣa¹ and I have been doing so for quite some time. In order for it to be Kosher there are a few prerequisites (according to different traditions they may vary but I will list mine).


    The ingredients can only be flour and water and the bread must be completed 20 mins after the kneading is done. In other words you have around 20 mins to shape the dough, roll it, place it in the oven, and be cooked.


    I have been able to make it using 55 percentage water. Which has worked for me but I want to maximize it's full potential so I have a few questions.


    Since it doesn't use yeast and does not have time to rise:


    1. What Protein/gluten content would be most suitable more or less?


    2. Would over-hydration of the flour and over kneading it till it is silky smooth be a good idea and what are the benefits if so?


    3. How can I maximize the thickness and still keep it relatively soft and pliable?


    4. What would be the best cooking method and why?



    ¹ Matzoh/Maṣṣa is commonly known to be the cracker Jews eat on Passover but traditionally it used to be soft and there are Jews who didn't go to Europe after they were kicked out of israel during the second temple period who still make it soft.





  3. Hi My name is Isaac I'm from NYC - I always had a love for cooking. But when I got married and my partner didn't have the same culinary-heritage (Sepharadi Lebanese Jew) as me I decided to take my cooking skills up few notches and dabble in some baking as well even though I'm not much of a baker - I leave that up to my wife who enjoys it more.


    I look forward to learning from you all and to improve my skills and knowledge.

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