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  1. thanks rickster and foodman. i'll get peaches tomorrow, and then try the recipe saturday. i'll definitely let you guys know if it works. thanks again. :)
  2. Do I even have to have warm fruit?? I mean, couldn't I just add like...apples, blueberries, etc, and mix it all up, like a fruit salad??
  3. The recipe calls for unsalted butter, cinnamon, vanilla sugar (or just add 1 drop of vanilla w/ the flower waters), rosewater, orange flower water, mascarpone cheese (as a side), and slivered pistachio nuts. Basically, you mix it all together (except for the nuts), "blister" the figs in a really really hot oven for a few min, then add the stuff on top. Then you put some cheese on the side sprinkled w/ the nuts. That's it. If I were to use another fruit, I wouln't want to "blister" it would I?? I'm a total beginner cook, so I have no idea. Also, do you think I'd have to give it to 'em warm, or could it be cold?? I'd appreciate any suggestions you have. Thanks.
  4. Hi. I have a question about Nigella's 'Figs for a thousand and one nights' recipe. What can I use instead of figs?? See, my aunt bought me rosewater and orange blossom water because I'd asked her where to get it, and she found both kinds at a Chinese market. Anyway, I wanted to make her family something that uses at least one of those things. Her family's a little picky about food (especially my cousin), and I'm pretty sure at least one of 'em doesn't like figs. My family eats anything, so I'll probably make it w/ figs in the future, but I didn't want to replace the figs w/ somethin' else, and have it end up nasty. Could anyway help me?? My brother and I are leaving for vacation soon, and I'd like to get it made before we leave. Thanks.
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