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Everything posted by BostonBestEats

  1. From reports, it is pretty easy to clean. All the racks and holders can be removed and put in the dishwasher. Then soap & water and a scrubber pad on the interior. There is a drip tray in the bottom and they sell fitted tin foil pans that fit in it (or just use aluminum foil). Seems like a very well thought out device. Meathead posted that he's getting one to review.
  2. It has some sort of proprietary catalytic converter (no filters or anything to replace). And you clear the smoke before opening the door.
  3. It's getting good reviews on Reddit so far from the people who crowdfunded it, but now it's available from Amazon, Lowe's, Williams Sonoma, Crate & Barrel... www.reddit.com/r/IndoorBBQSmoking/ I'll probably wait 6+ months and see how reliable it is, but so far it looks very good. In hindsight, I wish I had got it for $550 on Indigogo, although I never do crowdfunding (most interesting crowdfunded food tech seems to flop and never get delivered). Only problem is that it would fight my Anova oven for countertop space. But maybe put it on a cart in the connected garage (although smells don't really seem to be an issue).
  4. Question & answer thread from Anova about new firmware/app:
  5. Not turning on my oven was how I avoided it updating! FWIW, this past weekend I finally did update the firmware on my OG APO (iOS app), and it proceeded without problem. I haven't used it extensively since then, but did test 482°F in NSVM for 30 min and didn't experience any shutdown.
  6. Over the past week on Reddit r/CombiSteamOvenCooking, I've conducted a poll. ~50% of users have had major issues with the new app/firmward (1/4 of those who have issues were able to resolve them). I haven't tried yet, but I will later this week. The deadline is Aug 15th.
  7. They are running out of time. Apparently the Google Cloud service they've been using will permanently shut down on August 15th, which is the reason for these updates (needing to move to a different Cloud service). Thanks Google.
  8. They may have seen us making fun of the first review over on Reddit!
  9. Two possibilities: 1) The descale function was started, either by you or the ghost in the machine 2) A clamp that holds a water tube connection tight is loose inside the oven. I've seen a couple of reports of this. If you unscrew the rear of the oven of the oven, you can see the connection and can tighten it. Of course, that may not be something you want to do. You can see what it looks like here: Anova's customer service is variable, so you'll just have to wait for a reply.
  10. Does it have a Proof setting? It didn't when it came out. Mine is an original, and although I usually set it up using the app, I don't pay any attenntion to the other things the app does, so I may be unaware that it has a button for "Proofing" now. People have insatiable desires to do certain things. Storing garlic-infused oil at room temp is one. Asuming that a steam oven is better for proofing than just covering your bowl with Saran wrap or a moist towel is another. Manufacturers like to keep people happy. If anything, since virtually all recipes out there tell you to cover and put at room temp or a warm place, and adding steam to the mix actually changes the proofing temp (physics), using a steam oven actually causes you to do something different than the recipe you are following says to do. Probably not a huge deal, unless the oven can't maintain the temp you want and you end up with over-proofed dough.
  11. Hi, I'm the moderator of r/CombiSteamOvenCooking on Reddit, where we have a lot of Anova users, and I occasionally check what is going on over here but haven't posted before. With regards to your question, you don't say precisely what settings you are using. However, you should be aware that running the fan produces heat by itself. At low temps, that can cause the temp to rise by ~10°F over time. Since there is no active cooling in the oven, it then can't maintain the low temp. I suspect that is the problem, and not a defect with your oven. The solution is not to run the fan (or steam, which requires the fan to be on full) when proofing. There really is no big reason to do so anyway. Just cover your bowl or pan and run the oven conventionally at the temp you want to proof at.
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