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  1. Hi, Medium experience - not for enrobing but for molded bonbons - I have been doing MW & bowl and tempering w/Mycryo. Need to maintain a tempered state. Thx
  2. Hi, Good morning - Just following up....
  3. HI, Thanks for all the insights - Please, what is your suggestion fo a melter: 1. Mol d'art - 6 kg +: clean bonbon molds into the tank directly - good rep machine -: don't plan now to do production but whatever I get I want to just be surte it can be reused when I decide to do. It seeam I would have to melt at least 4 kg.... 2. Martellato: +: just came out with a 3 kg rectangular tank which wouyld solve the issue of melting too much choc - digital machine: https://www.bakedeco.com/detail.asp?id=54729&trng=fgle&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIz9ue3MTX6QIVxsDICh10YQpQEAQYBiABEgJGkvD_BwE -: not such a good name as mol d'art. 3. Kitchenaid precise heat mixing bowl - +: seems that it would keep chocolate tempered with movement -: harder to dump the choc after making the bonbon shells Thanks!
  4. Can;t thank you enough for the time and care you put into the answer - My main line will be the partisserie but will complement with a line of chocolates. I was looking at the air brush used by Andrey Dubovik: Iwata Revolution Airbrush - Model CR, Gravity Feed - It uses an Paasche compressor : Passche D500 I am wondering if you recommend a different setup and if the Iwata has a larger cup than that particular model. with this compressor
  5. Hi, I'm new to chocolate and transitioning from baking - I'm stuck at home like most of you and wanted to get my hands dirty with spraying molds. I took 2 intense chocolate courses for molded bonbons and now its the time to practice. I read through the posts and it seems there is a very strong preference for the Fuji Q4 with a 3oz cut and 0.8 point. I am not ready to jump on it given the current covid-19 cash flow situation (70% of my accounts in NYC stopped paying) and we are virtually closed for the time being. Any suggestions to get me started (I know that some guns are pretty inexpensive but then you add the compressor and are at the 500-700 $ level. Shall I start with an airbrush? In the bakery I have the Kreb machine we sue to spay eggs on croissant. Shall I start with that? Your help will be total kindness at this time of total craziness - Putting my mind into creating I believe it's the answer to not go crazy... Thanks in advance
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