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  1. I purchased some of those $ 1.99 cherries at a local Shop Rite a few weeks ago and they were great. I bought some the following week (at $ 2.99 a pound) and they were as you described. I purchased more last night for $ 1.99. This most recent purchase will break the tie 😌
  2. When I was a teenager I worked afternoons for a company that wrote computer software so that farmers could keep track of their inventory and bill their customers. Most of our users grew apples or onions. One day my boss sent me to see a customer in New York's black dirt country (Florida, New York) which is big onion growing country. I was busy figuring out a programming error when one of the "onion guys" told me to hand over my car keys so he could put some onions in the trunk of my car. When I arrived home I opened the trunk and found a bag of onions. 50 POUNDS of onions. I bounded the stairs to tell my mother about the big score. Me: Ma, I got 50 pounds of onions Mom: What are you going to do with them? Me: I dunno. I thought maybe you would do something with them. Mom: Well, I can take maybe 3 pounds. You better find people to take the rest because they will start to rot and I don't want them in my house. Starting the next day I asked pretty much everyone that I knew: friends, family, schoolmates, co-workers if they wanted some onions. Sort of an unexpected question from a 16 year old. Most only wanted 1 or 2 onions. I eventually got rid of about 25 pounds. Sadly, the rest went into the trash.
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