Hello! It is wonderful to find folks who have also made or know of this food! Ive grown up in an Italian American family cooking what my Dad taught me as Shadoons... finding your site was informative because much of the history was not passed along all that well through time. Our family too is from the town of Cercemaggioe. So it is great to learn the correct spelling and pronunciation...thank you! I only had my memory of sitting with my Dad helping cut all the meats and cheeses. He did however leave a recipe before he passed, and about every other year i make ALOT of them. You see, even though it seems to be an Easter tradition in Italy, my dad made these usually between thanksgiving and Christmas. He would make about 50-75 of them! The best part though was we would get in the car on a Sat afternoon and start delivering them to close family and friends, having wine at every stop! It was a fantastic tradition that i still continue with my family and close friends today. Thanks again.