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Mark Sommelier

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Everything posted by Mark Sommelier

  1. Bill Russell said: "One other thing that was unusual. When we arrived at the host stand (we had made our reservations through Open Table) the host said "Russell party of two - your reservation says eGullet VIPs." I didn't mention anything about eGullet in my reservation so either someone at the restaurant is lurking or someone among us called ahead for me. Either way - thanks, whoever it was. " Bill, Let me shead some light on this. Tonight (Saturday), I met the boys at BDC for the late night chefs table. We broke up around 2. (Had an excellent Argentine Rib Eye, BTW. The mussels were perfect, as well). Next door is one of my favorite bars in Washington, Timberlake's. We stopped in. After hugging Mr. T, all the bartenders and assorted customers, I saw David Wizenberg at the bar. David is one of the 3 guys responsible for Ceiba. He introduced me to Chris Cline, the executive chef of Ceiba. I have to say that I have not met a more passionate, intense, dedicated and excited chef from any restaurant in a long time. We had a great conversation. In talking to David, I found out that he does indeed read eG. As a matter of fact, he has some questions for my friend DonRocks. I plan on giving this place some time to settle down, and then trying it. In relation to the Andale thread, I spoke with Chris about not being a Yucatan native. His reponse was revealing. He told me that they were able to take the flavors and ingredients and find better ones HERE. Next time there, ask if Chris is in the kithcen and if he can come out and talk for a minute about the food. I'm sure, as an eGullet VIP, that it will make a world of difference.
  2. Steve, (original post deleted). This is a topic that angers me. Allison Swope is not Mexican. You are not Greek or Turkish. Reading, studying, BAH. It is a cultural thing. You need to be immersed in the culture to understand it. MY OPINION.
  3. I would be suspicious of an American chef who spent 10 days in Mexico once and all of a sudden is a "Mexican" chef. That's just my opinion, of course.
  4. Monica, I discovered several months ago that I am absolutely not an expert concerning anything Indian. I was one of those in the India forum who said "drink beer", forget about pairing wine with Vindaloo. I had the same gut reaction Randall had - riesling. Riesling is pleasant with the tamer dishes. Once the heat starts coming on, wine just adds fire to the inferno, IMO.
  5. Aside from bar/saloon food, the only really good place to eat in Washington after 11 on a Tuesday is the Bistro Français in Georgetown. Some of the Chinatown restaurants stay open late during the week, also. Bistro du Coin in Dupont Circle serves late on the weekends, but you should call for their hours during the week. If saloon food is OK, check out the Childe Harold in Dupont Circle. They serve till 1.
  6. Joe, I gave up on trying to find Leonetti a while ago. I have a friend who is on the mailing list, but he only comes up with single bottles. I remember the '94 as being really good. Easier to find is Glen Fiona in Walla Walla. They make a kickass syrah. The winemaker's brother is the winemaker at Leonetti. They obviously talk to each other.
  7. Joe, 2002 futures prices have just been released by Calvert Woodley. Lafite and all the other PGC's were $95 a bottle. I saw 2nd growths for as little as $275 a case. This may be the sleeper bargain vintage of the decade. 2000 Bordeaux are no bargains, but 99's continue to be the great undiscovered vintage. NDC has actually lowered their prices for these wines. I am able to buy Mouton Rothschild for $85 a bottle. This is unprecedented.
  8. Yes, I'm eager to go to a restaurant that has a large a la carte menu that is largely not available and 30 very expensive specials a night. The de rigeur 2 hour wait for main courses is another attractive addition.
  9. Mark; I live in Virginia (also ABC stores, and ridiculously high prices), and the best bargains I've found on spirits and wine are at Calvert Woodley on Connecticut Ave (link). A typical example: for the 1.5L Jack Black, those foolish or unfortunate enough to buy in VA pay around $45 ($38+/- if it's on sale) plus 4.5% sales tax. At CW, it's about $26 plus 9% sales tax, and I know damned well that the VA ABC stores buy in at least the same volumes as CW, so quantity discounts can't be the issue here. CW are particularly good on "young" wines, like the new 2001 Spanish wines that Michael Franz raved about recently in the Post. Does Paul's have better prices/selection than CW? THW Alfred, CW is a bigger store than Paul's. Paul is 5 blocks from the border of the county and the District. Paul's has very competitive prices. Also, there is a reason the Post Food section comes out on Wednesday. It gives all the liquor stores time to buy all the wines Michael Franz/Ben Giliberti recommend for the weekend.
  10. pnapoli, Screw Rocklands. Go to Charlie Palmer's.
  11. Carema, Nice assessment. I can tell you from experience that it may not be all that glamorous, but it sure is lucrative. I've given up talking people out of cabernet and I refuse to stock Cakebread. Something about that name makes people order it like crazy.
  12. "We'll try to put some type of review together. Should be interesting" Make sure you include detailed descriptions of the wall hangings, brewery sconces and other decorating flourishes. Please also describe in detail the various characters arrayed at the bar not forgetting to describe their individual sartorial choices, beverage of choice, brand of cigarette and hairstyle. When possible, attach colorful descriptors (e.g. "Weenie Woman"). TIA
  13. I didn't realize we were on for this. Hmm, I don't even know where it is. What's the address? I might be able to make it-- depends on how long my day at the office goes. 13th & L St. Warning: It really is a dive. That sounds like a challenge. I'm a really low class guy, so I think I can handle it. What kinda vittles do they serve? Burgers, grilled cheese, chili, onion rings and hookers.
  14. I didn't realize we were on for this. Hmm, I don't even know where it is. What's the address? I might be able to make it-- depends on how long my day at the office goes. 13th & L St. Warning: It really is a dive.
  15. You would think with a median income of $82K (higher if you don't include the Eastern half, I'm certain) that they would be alittle more supportive. Instead, anyone who wants fine dining has to drive into the District to spend their money. Stupid, and not even counting the revenue they're losing from those of us who are buying our wine and spirits elsewhere too. Edit: And I must agree with your "tax-happy" assessment. When I was a business owner, it seemed as if every other day a new license, fee, tax or surcharge would arrive in the mail from the county. Dealing with the ABC Board was a nightmare. Would you believe those idiots only deliver once a week? They only deliver full cases ( who needs a whole case of Grand Marnier?) No emergency orders are considered. A "special order" (wine not stocked by the county) of something as inocuous as Sonoma Cutrer has 30% added to its wholesale cost to cover the trouble of making ONE PHONE CALL. Residents of Montgomery County are penalized for their good taste. Its no wonder Paul's on Wisconsin Avenue in the District does such huge business.
  16. At present I use 1995 Zenato Reserva, which is quite delicious. $500 a case at wholesale ( which means $750 at retail).
  17. Sorry for the confusion, but I was posting about the time I went with Wabeck. Gee, you must think I eat out a lot or something, Mark. (Refrigerator inventory: one stick butter, jar clementine preserves, one carton milk from before the hurricane). Yum. Clementine jelly soup for dinner!
  18. We sure wish someone would take the chance here in Rockville. There are two "New Urban" developments of 500K (and up) homes, with large office suites, condos, and apartments, being built within 2 miles of our neighborhood here in Rockville. One, King Farm, has three new restaurants. None of them is a chain, but none is really fine dining either. Fallsgrove, the other development, has filled their shopping/dining area with Panera, Chipotle, Mamma Lucia's, and a few other sit down and fast food chains. What a missed opportunity. Almost the only option in Rockville close to fine dining, that is not a chain, is Addie's, which has the same owner as Black's in Bethesda. It does very good business despite an out of the way location. Of course, with the most asinine liquor laws in the country, fine dining in Montgomery County may be a pipe dream. For a short time 12 years ago, I owned a restaurant in Montgomery County. I can tell you first hand that "Monkey County" is the most ridiculous, archaic, anti-business,bloated, frustrating, greedy, tax happy jurisdiction in the country. It is no mistake that there are no really great restaurants there.
  19. Wrong. It was the third time. Once with me, once with Wabeck. You've lost your mind, dude. Must be too much sake.
  20. Those chicks were the ballers and we were the clams for sitting there listening to that noise. Aside from the great company, it was an annoying experience.
  21. I heard that Yannick, the formerly great chef of Le Pavillon would be opening a new spot downtown. The deserted Angelo and Maxie's space has been mentioned. Anyone have details?
  22. Make that six, contrary to what the title says. But your point stands. I was going to make an educated response, but have since been disqualified because I can't count. Maestro and Galileo are pretty airtight choices. But the other categories lend themselves to debate. Heritage India has great food, but I won't suffer through the service again. Zaytinya is must-see dining in DC, but I feel Nectar is as well. Everyone has their favorite Thai place. Other neighborhood places? There's a bunch. Business? Charlie Palmer Steak (had a great meal there on Wednesday)? Tosca? Citronelle? I don't pay much attention to the magazines unless we are in them, (and don't very much when we are), for reasons like this. It sells copies, it is important for the businesses mentioned, but trying to pick 6 places in each metropolitan area leaves too much open for debate. Anyway, congrats to all that were mentioned. 2 years ago Citronelle was #17 in their "50 Best Restaurants in America" article. That was the year that Chez Panisse was #1. This year, we don't exist. Curious. Does Chez Panisse advertise in Gourmet? I don't know because I stopped buying it 5 years ago.
  23. Steve Cuozzo in the New York Post wrote a hysterical review of Le Grenouille a few years ago. In describing the clientele, he slipped into Latin: Nonnulos hic mortuos est (people here appear to be dead).
  24. Mark Sommelier


    Thanks, Phil. I had a suspicion that might be the case. I took delivery on 5 cases. I'll report back as to their condition. The bottle we opened yesterday was stellar.
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