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Everything posted by alienodr

  1. Host's note: this post and the immediate responses were moved from the Hospital Food topic. my son bought a twinkie to deep fry one july 4. he forgot about it and when we found it in its original wrapper 18 months later it was still looking as though it was fresh and new. no mold and still squeezable but no one wanted to check its edibility. i think it can compete with the hospital roll. lol
  2. years and years ago we were living in ithaca, ny and a new restaurant opened to great reviews. i went there several times. it was very informal serving good mostly vegetarian food. one dish i really liked "move over joyce chen". after leaving the area, i wrote (before computers)and asked them for the recipe. they sent me a hand written recipe which now rests in their first moosewood cookbook which was written several years later. no harm in trying....
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