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  1. My boss took a chocolate class and the instructor just sent his molds through the dish machine then used his compressor to blast the molds dry and get rid of water drops. Much faster than polishing molds with alcohol and cotton.
  2. It’s all live so not sure there are still pics. You’re welcome to use the pic I posted
  3. I am following the AIU chocolate cup live on Facebook and spotted an EZ Temper on one of the contestants tables!!
  4. Oh my comment stayed on there!!! I’m bmaggiore3!!
  5. If I have a cold temperature controlled room for chocolate work will it affect how the ez temper works or holds??
  6. Thank you all!!! I copied my boss on this thread so hopefully he can read all the awesome stuff about the EZTemper!!
  7. I’ve heard all the awesome things you can do with silk- but can somebody be honest and give me any cons?? Trying to convince my boss to buy one instead of a larger tempering machine but it’s a one or the other kinda thing and we need to make sure we’re making the smart decision. Thanks in advance
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