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  1. I’m all booked! I would love to learn more technical details of framing, cutting, enrobing, and decorating these types of chocolates. (Maybe Anna could share her expertise?!) I’ll bring transfer sheets and some texture sheets for sure.
  2. I’m planning to come again too! Looking forward to seeing you all.
  3. I’m sure we can help with this!
  4. I want to come too! -Anne The Chocolate Palette I’d love to learn more about panning, Aw and shelf life, as well as production planning, scaling up operations and getting more efficient.
  5. I recently made some delicious key lime bonbons but my chocolate wasn't tempered well so I have some uglies. Would it be weird to bring those for the tasting/sharing time? : ) I'm really looking forward to it and want to thank those of you that have done all the planning! Will anyone staying at the hotel have a car or be willing to carpool up to Tomric? Also, is anyone interested in going to see Niagara Falls or the Frank L. Wright House if time allows (maybe Sunday late afternoon)? Anne R.
  6. I’m The Chocolate Palette and I’m in for dinner on Thursday (if you have room for me) and on Saturday. What’s your PayPal or Venmo again?
  7. I’m in for dinner. Sorry I didn’t see this sooner.
  8. I’m really looking forward to this. Just to second some others comments, I’m really interested in learning more about balancing recipes, adjusting water activity for shelf life, panning, using and sourcing natural colors, managing inventory, 3-D molding, using dairy and sugar alternatives, and new painting techniques.
  9. I’d like to join you too.
  10. How much will the workshop cost? I’d love to learn some recipe formulas, 3D molding, and advanced painting techniques.
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