I'm a man of wealth and taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, or I'll lay your soul to waste
(woo woo) (woo woo)
From Houston TX, representing the 713 - so I came up with BBQ, Tex-Mex, and Vietnamese. Deep love for Cajun cuisine, and join our neighbors in serious plunder of the bounty of the Gulf and the bayous. As a young man I spent a lot of time in China and Taiwan, so I'm a fluent Mandarin speaker with blue eyes. Hanging out with the Chinese got me seriously into eating and cooking... but marrying one of them sealed my fate. My wife's idea of feminine liberation involves office work and refusal to cook, but she was raised by a Sichuanese father who's a formidable cook, whose duties I was naturally expected to assume after taking his "money-losing goods" off his hands. This led to a semi-involuntary apprenticeship into the Chinese culinary arts, reinforced by allegedly constructive criticism from a native connoisseur, now joined in chorus by the voices of our two children whose palates are developing as spoiled as their mother's. Anecdote: my 6yo went with his (white) grandfather to neighborhood spaghetti dive; when asked by his server how the food was, he politely replied that there was too much basil in the red sauce. Boys - make better life decisions than I; don't follow my path to ruin!
So I cook plenty of real-deal Chinese food and a smattering of Japanese. We're also big fans of Thai food (I took a couple weeks' cooking classes in Chiang Mai) and Korean food, which are in regular rotation. Since I learned to cook out of books, Jacques Pepin and Julia Child are also formative influences... I went to the trouble of tracking down Pepin's "Cooking Techniques" on VHS and ripping it to MP4 - these shows are amazing and it's a crime they're not in distribution; I'd be very happy to share if anyone's got suggestions for an efficient way to do so in bulk.
My job is challenging for the attention-span deprived, so I drink large quantities of coffee and prepare it from the green beans - roast, grind, brew espresso. This is fun, interesting, and culinarily rewarding, but probably not really a topic for eGullet I suppose... there are specialist forums available.
But enough about me. Let's talk about you!