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  1. No puree. 30g gave it a distinct but not overpowering banana flavor. I might go up to 45g next time, but 60g might be pushing it.
  2. Made the caramel and when it reached 122C added the banana powder + cinnamon. No graininess at all, but there were pockets of powder that I had to make sure to incorporate before pouring.
  3. Just to update everyone, last weekend I tried a batch using Trader Joe's freeze dried bananas, which I ground to a powder. I used about 30g in a 1000g recipe, and mixed it in right at the last minute. Turned out deliciously.
  4. Thanks, ChocoMom. For this batch I was more interested in fresh bananas, but those seem like possible alternatives. Jim - I think you nailed where I went wrong. I'd seen some recipes (for fruits other than banana) that seemed to not call for bringing the temp. back up after the fruit was added, but I think it's a must. After a night in the freezer, I've brought them back up to room temp. (~73F). I was able to cut the slab, and they maintain their shape on the counter, but as soon as I pick one up, gravity goes to work.
  5. Appreciate all the advice. I tried last night. I simmered the bananas in bourbon while I was measuring the rest of my ingredients, then blended the cooked bananas to get them smooth. I made my normal recipe but added cinnamon, then, at the end added the bananas and a little more bourbon. I don't know whether it was the bananas/bourbon or something else, but they did not set after a night in the fridge. It was basically caramel sauce at room temperature. So, I threw it back in the pot with water and cooked it all the way up to 135C. They're in the fridge again now; I'll update the post again if they are actually cut-able now.
  6. Very helpful, thanks. Those are beautiful.
  7. Thanks! Yes, I plan to puree them in some manner before adding them to the caramel.
  8. Has anyone tried making a soft caramel with bananas? I'm struggling to find a recipe online, but neither am I finding tales of failed efforts. I've been working with a basic "Genin" recipe and want to start getting into different flavors. I'm planning on trying something like banana bourbon, bananas Foster, or banana bread (not sure about the last one), but don't want to waste the time if there's some reason this just won't work. Thanks!
  9. Smithy is right; that's the post to which I was referring. I was wondering how people were able to refer to the post number...
  10. Has anyone tried both the recipe in post #132 and any of Schneich's versions to compare? I've never made caramels of any kind before, but every time I go to Paris (or my in-laws visit me) I eat a tin or two of the Genin caramels.
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