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  1. Hrothgar


    Thanks for the recipe!
  2. Hrothgar


    Thanks for the recipe. I am eager to try it.
  3. Hrothgar


    The Roman cheesecake sounds delicious. Could you share the recipe? I wonder if the Thanks for the crepes writer could share that recipe also. I appreciate getting such good advice from these writers. I will have to try several recipes with and without the water bath, especially now that I know I was working on a false assumption, i.e., the batter in the springform pan should float in the water.
  4. Hrothgar


    Thanks for the advice. I'll try it next time.
  5. Hrothgar


    I have been learning to bake cheesecake. When I put the springform pan filled with cheesecake batter into the water bath, it floats unevenly. That makes the cheesecake higher on one side than another. The spring clip in on the side that floats highest. Any suggestions for solving this problem.
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