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  1. Salumeria's curing room is located below the shop in the basement. You are correct-it is not apparent what goes on below-but it is amazing what they produce in such a small space. Their saucisson d'ail is excellent. If you are a chef, Paul Buzzio would probably be glad to give you a tour of the operation-all production is usually done by about 2pm-I believe because of meat inspectors on site, union rules, etc.
  2. Mackey


    Really quite good when it opened almost two years ago-the staff was very knowledgable. Rustic food, simply prepared but with great flavors and clean tastes. Have not been lately-hope they are still doing it well.
  3. The roof top has been closed all summer-they serve no dinners, just bar food. There is no current chef-just cooks putting out lunches, mainly to the local construction worker trade who imbibe more than they eat. (Nice work if you can get it). Major renovations have been promised since May, however, it doesn't seem like anyone has lifted a hammer.
  4. try "1492" on Clinton St. between rivington and stanton-great area-great food since the opening a few years ago-no great sites, but being outdoors with good food beats being outdoors with mediocre fare and great views anyday, afterall what are you there for?
  5. Having eaten quite a few meals at 95 greene i must say glenn does have a problem getting his facts straight-there is no halibut on the menu and it is a pastrami spring roll not a dumpling. Big difference. It must have been the flamingo(locally referred to as the "dirty bird") where he thought he had halibut. Referring to 95 greene as awful is a singular view. The Jersey Journal in an unsolicited review said it was "an address to remember" and complimented the food, decor and service. New restaurants in a rough economy, bad winter and a war have a hard enough time making it without some armchair, non-professional, chronically complaining, self appointed critic spreading his angst about never finding a good enough meal or restaurant.
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