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Posts posted by ecclescake

  1. Thanks to everyone who has shared their learning experiences to help preventing others from sharing the same fate and to those who have provided advice on how to prevent or mitigate said fate if the situation comes up despite that.


    Here are a couple of mishaps that have not yet been mentioned.


    I will never again melt some butter to grease my springform cake tin which I had lined with baking paper in said tin. I heated the cake tin for a while on the stove. I thought it was a bit strange that the butter was taking so long to melt, but it was not until I smelt the fumes of overheated non-stick coating that I realised what had happened. I had lined the tin by putting baking paper over the bottom and  locking it into place with the spring ring, this held the paper taut slightly above the bottom of the tin, thus creating a lovely insulating layer of air.


    I will not cut with a chef's knife without a cutting board underneath, I got a lovely cut mark in my newly resurfaced table.


    I will not leave a mug of bean cooking water (or other hot liquid) near the edge of the bench where a small person could reach it and pour scalding liquid all over his face, arm and chest (he was fine after a long lukewarm shower, but, it was quite a shock).


    I will not turn on the stove elements of the stove my portable induction units sit on. (I read of someone else doing that on another forum, so I have taped all the stove knobs up in the off position with blue painters tape so that I, and especially my houseguests don't turn them on by mistake).

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  2. I made a low sugar German oil cake (based on a recipe that had about half the sugar of comparible recipes) to which I added blueberries (which all sank to the bottom) and grated potato. I added the potato to increase the moistness of the cake, and the cake was indeed moist and still good to eat even on day three. Although thinking now I realise that using oil rather than butter will have addeed to the moistness too so I don't really know what effect the potato had. On the plus side the potato was barely noticible (mashed might be even less noticible) so I will definitly use it in future experements.

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  3. I'm not an expert but I use powdered whole milk for all my bread and baking recipes that call for milk and it works just fine. I expect that calling for non-fat in this recipe is because it is their preference (or their default choice), not because whole milk wouldn't work.


    The powdered milk I buy keeps good for at least a year in a cool dark cupboard.

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