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Posts posted by Boucaneer

  1. Thank you Chromedome and Lisa. 

    Our food processor arrived yesterday and we made a small amount of the frozen banana mix. 


    I was supprised, it was better than I thought. I wish we had some cocoa powder but will get some in a few days time. 


    We liked the soft serve mix, it was all eaten so none to go in the freezer but we may add some sugar when we do. 


    We're looking forward to trying a  pineapple version. 


    Thanks for the heads up and explanation of the astringency, may a bit of cocoa powder or fresh mint for flavourings may cover the banana version. 


    Cheers and Thanks,



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  2. On 28 August 2016 at 3:33 PM, blue_dolphin said:

    Chocolate-dipped peanut butter & banana pops:


    I got the recipe for these over on The Kitchn.  It's basically that one-ingredient frozen banana ice cream that was all over the place a few years ago with the addition of some peanut butter and frozen into popsicle molds. 

    Just the kind of thing we are looking for.


    Very happy to find this post and thread. 


    Cheers Blue Dolphin. 



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  3. 17 hours ago, Anna N said:

    Why not make popsicles?  Portable, superb delivery system, little churning needed etc. Etc.  

    A fantastic idea, I have just found the Popsicle thread and having a good read.


    This thread might be posted in the wrong topic section.

    Perhaps if a moderator see's it it might get moved to the other section where the Popsicle thread is.


    Yes, Popsicles are a great option, and many different flavour options too, and we can also mix the bananas in to the fruit.


    Cheers Anna.



  4. On 1 July 2011 at 6:20 PM, Panaderia Canadiense said:

    Coconut as a popsicle works very well if you've got access to a whole coconut to puree - what you want for the popsicle is basically heavy coconut cream (the very thick, very creamy stuff) - then it freezes like a dream. In Salcedo (a little town that is the home of the best popsicles in South America), this is how they're done, with the inclusion of shredded coconut and a bit of sugar (to taste). Coconut is one of my faves, and done this way it freezes hard enough to be handleable and remains soft enough that you don't get the straw-mouthfull thing.

    Banana is one of those things that discolours when frozen, and the best approach to it is simply to freeze whole or half bananas, sprinkled with lime juice, wrapped in Saran, and with a stick stuck up them. The minute you go to puree with the bananas available in North America, you'll end up with a really unappetizing brown moosh. This goes for them when added to other fruits. Even large amounts of citrus juice or Vit C doesn't help Cavendish and Gran Naine bananas - they'll still oxidize super rapidly.

    On the unsweetened popsicles end, I'd say check out Maracuya (passionfruit) if you can find it, and also try doing Lavender with Mint (super-refreshing!).

    Sounds extremely good.


  5. On 14 June 2009 at 9:45 AM, prasantrin said:

    There's a drink one can buy at Asian grocery stores consisting of coconut water and pieces of young coconut. There are canned versions, but there's another version that's often sold frozen.


    is one example (Rooster/Cock makes a really good version). It's supposed to be defrosted, but we also eat it like a coconut slush.

    Anyway, if you can get young coconut, save the water and scrape out all the meat. Then freeze it. You can add sugar syrup if you want.

    Or just buy canned coconut water (with or without meat) and freeze it.

    For daily eating, I like it better than coconut-milk versions because it's so light and refreshing.

    Good to hear, we may try this.


  6. Well that will be our next replacement food processor then. :-) Thanks Lisa. 


    We shall buy 12kg of bananas when our food processor arrives and freeze the nana's and blitz them up. 


    Any idea about changing and influencing the flavour, as to mint or chocolate?


    I'm sure we find some coco powder somewhere in a store, but mint essence oil will be rare as hens teeth or rocking horse manure around here. Even coco powder take a special blessing to find.


    I suppose we could blend in 50% pineapple or mango to the banana base for different flavours. 


    I do wonder what the jackfruit may taste like. We have tropical fruit and vegetables. We may even use a bit of spinach and real mint if we can't find mint essence oil. The spinach adding a green colour and adding a bit of iron to the diet. 


    If anyone has any good ideas for flavours we can try?


    We have coffee and tea grown here in the mountains, so maybe a caffeine influenced recipe would be good. 


    Also lots and lots of coconuts, so a coconut recipe using the flesh and maybe the coconut water inside maybe. 


    The lads like the coconut water as the nutrients are good for replacing the salts lost in dehydtation, isotopic, a bit like a sports drink. 





  7. Thank you Blue Dolphin, Lisa and Anna. 


    Well to answer a few questions and confirmations. 


    We would like make enough for 30 portions a day, as there's 15 crew members and it would be good to have two portions each daily. 


    Yes, we will keep the finished frozen deserts in the borrowed space in the chest freezer. 


    We plan to use a Colemans ice box for delivering the frozen iced desserts to more remote locations several miles away.


    Popcicles or small sized paper cups would be great, we would have to create a mould for the popcicles or maybe one could be bought in the UK and shipped out to us, so any recommendations of brands would be great. We would have to find a sterile wooden stick as these guys are on duty and don't really want them to concern themselves with recycling plastic ones, they will most likely get lost anyway.

    The individual disposable paper cups may may be better, I saw some in town the other day. 


    If the project works well we may upgrade to more of an industrial food processor, as we are planned to be out there several years on rotation. 


    We also have a cuisinart ice cream maker that hasn't been used yet. It's a basic model with a bucket that gets put into a freezer that could also be used. 


    Great at idea about measuring the freezer internal dimensions and getting plastic boxes to tessalate without wasting any space. 


    So would you also think it an idea to blend/process and mix some fruit raw before freezing and then freezing afterwards?


    The magimix is made by Robot Coupe with a 900 watt induction motor, so a strong motor but yes I have read that the bowls are vulnerable so we shall start with the Magimix 5100 but a recommendation for a better model food processor model number would be great. You never know our luck on eBay or donators in London. ;-)


    Any advice on recipes or just to discuss these desserts in general would be great. 


    It certainly makes a change to the Ready to Eat rations that we don't really use. 


    Some of the chaps catch Barracuda and Snapper from the beach front with a rod sometimes. We made a good jerk sauce a few weeks ago which was good. 


    So a little guidance to make these frozen refreshing snacks/treats would be great.


    Thank you so much for the replies, it certainly helps and gives us some confidence, we're alright driving safety patrol boats and emergency survival, but some of us in the kitchen hut need a helping hand. lol


    Thanks again, Alex. 


  8. Happy to be back here. After a long year in Kerala, India helping with training villages for emergencies, my last post was about making ice creams for our crew with hydration and cooling down in the heat. 


    We have now come up with a new unit project where we would like to make frozen fruit type " ice cream " and sorbets for our crew for nutritional and lowering the core body temperature, from frozen bananas and frozen papayas, mangos, pineapples and gooseberries. 


    These fruits are readily available around the villages, far more available than the original milk products.


    Luckily we have been donated a Magimix 5100 food processor from a chap in London which shall be arriving soon. 


    We have seen videos on YouTube but wanted to start a thread conversation about frozen banana and other fruit " ice cream " type deserts. I know it's not real ice cream being non dairy, but we really like the idea.


    we have access to space in a chest freezer at a local shop that we can use to freeze the fruits, so we are looking for a little advice and possibly some good recipes if anyone here has any experience in such iced refreshment desserts. 


    We may add other spices like ginger and mint or even tea and coffee to the frozen fruits whilst still in the powerful food processor. 


    Still waiting for delivery for the magimix so we are trying to get our heads around some good recipes and a few suggestions would be very welcome. 


    Im personally looking forward to the sorbets. Vitamins, nourishment, hydration and cooling down, it's a win, win, win, win situation. 


    All suggestions and advice would be much appreciated. 


    Thank you and kind regards, Alex. 



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  9. Thank you for the interest.

    Just to confirm that our location isn't a Disaster Zone, we are being sent to train up the villagers for future disasters. We are simply there in a training capacity, helping the locals train and prepare for future emergencies.

    Our lads get a bit bored, so they have been making Paipo surfboards and barbecues for times off duty.

    Certainly nothing heroic happening yet, thank gord, just educational training and trying not to go stir crazy whilst passing the time.

    Thank you for the concern regarding the situation. We certainly ain't toffee nosed officers.

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  10. Hello all,

    I am very pleased to have joined the forum. I shall be having a good read and getting used to navigating my way around the website using an IPhone, no computer you see.

    I joined to learn and gain good culinary skills and advice as I'm being dispatched over to South Asia in two weeks helping the Civilian Disaster Survival Force and we feel that good food being supplied to our crew and personnel will keep up morale whilst being in a hot tropical environment and being away from families.

    So victals, nutrients and hydration is going to be my interests.

    Saying that, I was there two months ago and a decent way to make an ice cream would be good to cheer some of the guys up, that and a good barbecue. There's plenty of water buffalo meat available if not prime beef.

    I may experiment with some spare CO2 Fire extinguishers at the headquarters, if I can get a local refill, as after a day's duty a cold ice cream would very much be appreciated.

    Also a tasty hard tack type cake, that we could make into nutritional cake rations, that or a protein jerky that can be dehydrated in a canvas dehydrator with a saw dust heat source.

    I'm looking forward to returning and with any luck I will have cell phone connection for connection with this website finding good recipes, advice and information.

    Kind regards,


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