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Posts posted by CanGumby

  1. And this new discussion brings me to a question: How might duck fat work instead of schmaltz when making a traditional chopped liver dish (using chicken livers)?  Seems like it should be just fine.  Anyone tried it? 


    I use chicken fat for making chicken katsu (ala Ivan Ramen) and it's really nice, I would suspect doing the same with duck fat and anything would add a new dimension on, well, anything cooked with it.


    Unfortunatly, unless I manage to get my hands on actual duck, finding duck fat where I live is a real pain in the butt.

  2. What kind of difference do you find with your steam extraction from, say, more common methods? Juice volume? Clarity?

    Also, I've got a little bottle of pectinex in the fridge, I suspect I could just add that to some lemons or limes and wait till I have separation then add warm simple syrup. Then freeze it and extract the ice? I'm just worried that leaving it sit for that long will make the lime juice start to lose any of the just-juiced flavors I'm shooting for.

  3. I've been playing with the idea of making syrup with fruits and veggies that are not normally used. Normally, I would just boil fruit with some water and sugar and end up with a tasty syrup. While this is fine for some kinds of fruits, it’s not as nice as it could be for others (ie: anything citrus). I’m trying to find a way to be able to reduce stuff like watermelon into a syrup (boiling it for many hours doesn’t sound like it will result in watermelon tasting syrup) or even create a lime syrup that doesn’t taste like it’s been cooked for hours upon hours.


    So far, I’ve found three options:


    1. Freezing the juice and manually removing the ice crystals. It sounds pretty tedious and not like it will give results that are as rewarding.
    2. Boiling the juice. Which, for some fruits and veggies would be fine.
    3. Using an aspirating pump to reduce the internal pressure of an Erlenmeyer flask with a sidearm and “boil” the water off at a reduced temperature.

    Anyone have any ideas? Or advice on starting this adventure?

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