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Everything posted by sashorter

  1. For those cable modem users among us, I believe that's about as safe as having a whole big neighborhood LAN. Not sure about DSL. I neither encrypt my 802.11 or have firewalls installed on the machines. I should probably do one or the other... - Scott
  2. Wow. Can I ask how many purges occurred in same time period?
  3. Do they still use the slogan "Works every time"? It was so sleazy. That was going to be my nominee. Our term for it, which I do not believe came from advertising but rather my friend Tristan, was "Party in a bottle". $2.25 for 40oz at Wawa (that's 2 for $4.50 if you're counting). Fortunately I smoked unfiltered camels at the time, so choking that stuff down was no problem. - Scott
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