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Everything posted by Meenap101

  1. I'm thinking about creating chocolate bars by infusing flavour into them, any tips on the best techniques for this, any advice appreciated :-)
  2. So I put the cocoa butter bottle in the microwave at 30 sec intervals until I can squeeze the bottle and I can feel the contains has soften a little, after this stage I microwave the bottle at 15 sec intervals, shaking the bottle each time. When some of the cocoa butter has become liquid I shake the bottle 45 secs - 1 min, then I use the cocoa butter.
  3. I molded some chocolates today and this is the result I got, some of the colour was left behind in the mold, what went wrong?
  4. Great I'll try that, thx for the advise :-)
  5. I made some bars this morning and I thought the chocolate was in temper (I tested it), however the bar still did not turn out perfect, was the temper not as correct as I though or did I do something else incorrectly?
  6. After tracing my steps, I did place the mold into the fridge to allow the shells to set quicker as I was in a bit of a rush to get the filling in. And you're absolutely right nobody notices the imperfection accept me :-(
  7. Yes, the transfer sheets were just blue and white and the chocolate should have been solid and one tone, trying to figure out what caused the chocolate to be a different shade
  8. Can anyone help, pls? I'm using cocoa butter transfer sheets with a magnetic mold and recently I've been getting a blemish on the surface, can I ask for advise as to whats going wrong, thx.
  9. So I added some coco butter to some white chocolate to thin it out, after using it I have some left over, my question is can I temper and use this chocolate again another time? Thx for any advice.
  10. Does invert sugar go bad, does it have a sell by date?
  11. So I tried making some chocolate bars, sprinkled cocoa nibs and ground coffee on the surface, however the chocolate must not have been in proper temper and therefore I got fat bloom on the bars. So my question is can I try to re-temper the bars and remodel them or even make chocolate bark out of them, how will the cocoa nibs and ground coffee in the chocolate effect the tempering of the chocolate? Thanks for any advice in advance.
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