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Jeff Buczek

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    San Francisco
  1. Where'd you get your curd cutter? Time's been tight, will probably do my first sous vide cheese in the coming week.
  2. The floating thing is a problem I never envisioned, but it makes sense. My current double boiler is stockpot size, about 12 qts and fairly heavy on the insert. I've never had any issues with it floating. But for the low gauge Carlisle steam pan...hmmm. Your stopgap solution seems pretty good. I will have to get my Anova in and see about other solutions. Immediate idea that comes to mind: two bungie cords clipped across the top. Been making cheese for about a year, working my way slowly thru the Karlin book, in the order that she has them. I made Saint Marcellin, Valencay, and Epoisses today. I am deep into my bloomy and washed rind phase. For temp control I bought a commercial grade induction burner and that has worked really well. I can't imagine doing it on my apartment's crap electric range.
  3. Brilliant setup for cheesemaking. So inspired, I went to the local commercial cooking store and got your exact setup for my incoming Anova. Carlise vat, 1/2 steam table insert w/ lid and digital thermometer. This should be the ultimate double boiler.
  4. Just wanted to say thanks for this thread. Really informative.I bought a chamber vac a year ago with sous vide in mind but I kept putting it off because of the price (despite dropping $1000 on the VacMaster -- figured that would pay for itself in food saved/not spoiled). I got the Anova just now, in black (#1882 was my order number I think). Super excited to get started. Am definitely stoked to use it for cheesemaking.
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