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Everything posted by AngelRaine

  1. I never considered shelf life when I made chocolates before since they usually get consumed within or less than a week. Since I'm planning to make holiday chocolates now, the info you guys have provided is most helpful. Thanks. I'll need to check as well if my chocolate containers from Papermart will effect the length of my chocolate's shelf life. Any idea if regular candy containers will shorten shelf life? Would it be better if I got airtight or vaccum sealed containers? TIA
  2. I'm goin to do both Christmas cookies and cupcakes this year if I can fit it in my schedule. And I'll probably get my baking and packing supplies online to save on time having to go to the store. I've found that papermart.com has some really nice cupcake cups and a lot of gift boxes and bags. Helps a lot so I won't need to make my own boxes or bags.
  3. I like papermart.com as well. Though I mainly go for the boxes they sell, they do have a lot of packing/container stuff for sale.
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