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Posts posted by Gxaiver

  1. This thread is great, however, I have some questions. I am trying to teach myself how to bake and my last cheesecake came out ok yes it was just ok. The crust was a problem witch lead me to look for answers and to find this website. So the questions are;

    1) Do I need to pre-bake the crust every time I make a cheesecake? If, so how long and at what temp?

    2)The last cheesecake the crust was oily I would think I used to much butter in regards to the amount of crumbs I used. This is the second question is there a ratio for the crust? So much butter to so much crumb?

    3) If you bake a cheesecake in a cake pan, what size pan do you use dose it effect cook time or anything?

    4) What is the deal with the water bath? I understand it helps control the cooking but in some recipes it is used and sometimes not, why is this?

    Thank you,

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