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Everything posted by soederman

  1. Hi, I am starting up a company with a service where you can match the ingredients you have at home with the recipes you can make. At the launch I am planning to include the recipes of all national dishes in the world. I have now listed what the national dish is in all countries and I have also a list of recipes for each dish that was found on the web. What I now need help with is to find the best recipe for it! Since you probably have some “inside information” I was hoping you could help me out picking the best recipe for the national dish I have chosen. For Ireland my choice for the national dish is: Irish stew Here are the recipes I have found: http://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/irish_beef_stew/http://britishfood.about.com/od/recipeindex/r/irishstew.htmhttp://allrecipes.com/recipe/irish-stew/http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/9624/irish-stewhttp://www.tasteofhome.com/Recipes/Favorite-Irish-Stewhttp://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/tylers-ultimate/irish-stew-recipe/index.htmlhttp://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Irish-Beef-Stew-104817http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/16054/irish+stewhttp://www.bordbia.ie/aboutfood/recipes/lamb/pages/irishstew.aspxPlease look them over and pick the one you think is the best or just pick another recipe if you have a better one, or make a new one combining the best parts of each recipe, it is up to you. Would love to get your input on which is the best recipe! Or even better, cook the dish, write a short review and take a picture of it. That would be really awesome! What can be considered as the ”best” recipe is of course subjective and up to you but consider the following aspects: Easy to cookFast to makeSimple ingredients (or simple to replace)Traditional/typical for that dishYummy!This thread is mainly about finding the best recipe for the national dish I have choosen. If you disagree with my choice of national dish, then of course you are welcome to tell which dish you would pick instead. If you have general comments or questions regarding this that is not specifically for this country or dish then please write in this thread instead: http://forums.egullet.org/topic/145477-gathering-the-best-recipes-of-national-dishes Thank you in advance!
  2. Hi all, I am creating an app and a web service with recipes of all the national dishes in the world (one for every "country"). I have through thourough research of the web now a list of all national dishes! For England my choice for the national dish is: Roast beef with Yorkshire Pudding So for you that are curious how I came to that conclusion: I have also gathered 5-10 recipes for each dish but now comes the work of choosing the best recipe for each dish or creating a better one than can be found on the web. Here are the recipes I have found: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/roast-beef-and-yorkshire-pudding/http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/1809/traditional+roast+beef+with+yorkshire+puddingshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/roastbeefandyorkshir_72053http://www.food.com/recipe/old-england-traditional-roast-beef-and-yorkshire-pudding-263751http://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipe/640/Roast-beef-and-yorkshire-puddinghttp://www.gazetteandherald.co.uk/leisure/fooddrink/recipes/796259.recipe_roast_beef_with_yorkshire_pudding/Would love to get your input on which is the best recipe. Or if you have another recipe not among the above that you think is really great, then share it here. Also appreciate if you have suggestions on how to improve the recipe you would pick. Or even better, cook the dish, write a short review and take a picture of it. That would be really awesome! This thread is mainly about finding the best recipe for the national dish I have choosen. If you disagree with my choice of national dish, then of course you are welcome to tell which dish you would pick instead. If you have general comments or questions regarding this that is not specifically for this country or dish then please write in this thread instead: http://forums.egullet.org/topic/145477-gathering-the-best-recipes-of-national-dishes Thank you in advance!
  3. Hi, I will post one thread for every country in the Regional Cuisine sub forums. It will probably take a while to get them all out so if you have any preference of which I should start with or you want to see next, please just write it in this thread. The discussion about individual countries/dishes will then be taken in those threads and not here. Hope you are ok with that.
  4. Hi all, Glad to see the interest this topic brings I was waiting to post the dishes until I received some reply to my question: Anyone have an idea of where it would be suitable for me to post them? My list of countries comes from this list at Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states But then I added a couple of more that are geographically separeted islands or similar and thus would have a different idea of their "national dish", e.g. Puerto Rico. Other examples of "countries" in my list are Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. I have been generous and rather choosed to include rather than exclude. My list therefore consist of 244 "countries" The ambition is of course to expand with more traditional regional recipes, but you have got to start somewhere otherwise I would never launch Therefore I have decided to start with one dish for every "country". Several countries have an official national dish, others have a clear dish that can be considered a national dish but is not official, in other countries there are several candidates to the "title" and there I have used my criteria as mentioned earlier to help pick one dish. I never said a national dish must have a tick in the box in all my criteria, but if one dish have more tick in the box in my criteria list then another candidate then I know I have a "winner". I certainly don't expect my list to be final and I would hope to get some reaction and hopefully counter suggestions if people think I have made the wrong decision. Myself I am from Sweden. We don't have an official national dish and we have several contenders. The thing that helped me choose "Swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes, lingonberry and cream sauce" from the list of candidates was actually the outside perspective. Probably the "fault" of IKEA that have made people outside of Sweden to think of Swedish meatballs when naming typical Swedish food or the national dish. A thing that disqualified another candidate "Peasoup with pancakes" was that Peasoup takes very long time to make the traditional way. Korea: is of course two countries: North Korea and South Korea. And I have picked "Bulgogi served with Kimchi" as the national dish for both countries (that one was quite easy) Japan: Sushi is my choice here, but you are right that it is not crystal clear a dish. But thinking of having a recipe of a dish comprising of Sushi in a traditional way (e.g. not including the "California roll" but only those originating from Japan) China: one of many large countries with big variations depending on where in the country you are. But I had to pick one dish and then the choice falls on the famous "Peking duck". Dim sum is my choice for Hong Kong, and similar to Sushi I will have a recipe for a dish that consist of the most typical dim sum such as Gao. But here I still have a job to choose which Dim sum to include in the dish recipe. India: Similar problem as China and other big countries with diverse foods for different regions. Decided on "Tandoori chicken" that would probably be the dish that most people would accept if only choosing one dish for all of India. England: "Roast beef with Yorkshire Pudding" France: Difficult I confess choice finally fell on "Pot-au-feu" Ecuador: "Ecuadorian Ceviche" USA: "Macaroni and cheese" However I would prefer to take the discussion of individual countries/dishes in separate threads so it will be easier for forum members to find and discuss the topics they are interested in. So if you are interested in more of what I have, please advice me where you would like me to post. Thanks!
  5. Here's my take on the criteria for what should be a national dish (not all need to be fulfilled, but the more the better): Must be a dish (not a bread or a dessert, or an ingredient, etc) Typical for the country (both what the people themselves thinks but also what people in other countries thinks) Daily favored food Popular/High acceptance in most parts of the country If possible, only found in that country/originating from that country Forming part of the country's identity/culture Represent a nation's heritage Secondary if hard to choose between two equals: Easy to cook for people around the world (replacable ingredients) Shorter cooking time
  6. Hi all, I am creating an app and a web service with recipes of all the national dishes in the world (one for every country). I have through thourough research of the web now a list of all national dishes! I have also gathered 5-10 recipes for each dish but now comes the work of choosing the best recipe for each dish or creating a better one than can be found on the web. How would you suggest me to go about getting help from fellow forum members with this job? Should I post one Thread per country/dish in the "Regional Cuisine" perhaps? For each country that has a sub forum it seems reasonable. But is it ok to "spam" the sub forums that contain a lot of countries? I hope that I can add interesting information about national dishes and their recipes to all the forum users and at the same time I hope to get help from you in voting for the best recipe. Or even better, try cooking a dish, write a short review and take a picture of it. That would be really awesome! Will add links to the threads when I start creating them. Thanks for reading all the way down here!
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