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William Bitterman

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  1. Mr Klc-So bitter for one who works with desserts. RC got you right-and while you may not be a 'newbie who writes anonymously', your mean-spirited attack on Retired Chef is the second example I've seen of you trashing a new user, and the reason I stopped coming here after my first few visits. You and Fat Guy gang up on anyone who dares contradict the great Klc. Very sad. Oh, and Zaitinya sucks! Just kidding, Steve, don't cry.
  2. Mr. Klc-I think your friend was only kidding when he asked how you"paid' for your good review. However, your touchy response made me think that perhaps you don't feel anyone should be able to joke with you. When you take yourself that seriously, you really sound like a whiner. I also feel that it isn't really necessary to kiss Tom Seitsema's ass so blatantly. Perhaps you don't know this, but many people who live in DC (not the suburbs), don't pay much attention to him-in fact, I hate to say this, but my friends and I almost miss Phyllis Richman!
  3. If you want great coffee in the morning, or any other time for that matter, you have to make some sacrifices-get up a few minutes earlier, and roast and grind your beans. A good friend of mine is a Venezuelan coffee wholesaler, and that is part of his routine every day, and almost every cup. My favorite chef, Weinoo, also roasts his own beans. And of course he brews it in a French press coffeemaker. That is a dedication to great coffe that few are willing to make, but it makes all the difference. The true essence of home-brewed coffee beans can only be tasted when you roast 'em. And the jolt...
  4. I really like what weinoo has to say-it's a good spot, but there's no need to kiss Danny Meyer's ass. Good BBQ in NYC is a godsend, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. Save th haranguing of diners for the tourists, please!
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