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  1. I would like to see that. Yeah. I agree. I'd love a good Ceviche competition.
  2. I have heard really good things about Otto. Peas with prosciutto? really? It's not a combination I would have thought of, but when I get the chance, I will absolutely have to give it a try. Was it by any chance served in a cream sauce? For some reason, that makes the most sense to me.
  3. Sparkling water? Well not actually in cooking, no I haven't. But I do use it in all things jello. But I did recently see something on the Dr. Oz show about substituting for the liquids in a Chocolate cake that sounds interesting. Imma gonna have to try that.
  4. terryanny

    The Grilling Topic

    Thanks for the chicken recipe, I'll be sure to try it when I get the chance...Lotta prep I notice. Sounds amazing though! This is one of my proudest creations. I will warn you they are not the easiest things in the world to make, but I have never-and I mean NEVER-had someone not like them. As you will see, they are not health food. Ok, for 'my' Juicy Lucy, the original Bacon Cheddar you need: 2.5 lbs good quality fresh ground beef, 85/15 lean/fat. 8 oz Sharp Cheddar Cheese, sliced 1 lb Thick Cut Bacon, cooked(very crispy) and crumbled 1 egg 1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce 2-3 TBSP minced Garlic(the kind out of a jar). Fresh black pepper and salt to taste. Makes 5 Have standing ready the sliced cheese and crumbled bacon. In a mixing bowl, combine beef, egg, garlic, black pepper, and worcestershire sauce. With the garlic, add some water from the jar with each spoonful. Using your hands, mix together until completely combined. Divide in half. Using one half of beef, make 5 (1/4 lb) patties, making them wide and thin. Place these on a platter. Onto each patty, place cheese and bacon crumbles, being careful to keep them about 1/2 an inch in from the edge. Using the other half of the beef mixture, make 5 additional patties and place them on top of the bacon and cheddar. Pick each up and pinch the edges together, completely sealing in the bacon and cheese(this is crucial). Salt and pepper patties. At this stage, the burgers can go directly on to the grill, but I find they benefit from a few hours in the fridge. Also, I will often make a whole batch, and freeze raw the ones I don't need right away. To the grill: Oil cooking grate. Over high direct heat, grill burgers. Try to not flip more than once, as they are delicate. I usually like to grill them to medium, and then remove from the flame and tent with foil for 5 minutes, they carryover cook this way. While grilling, keep an eye out for melting cheese running out...this happens if the edges are not sufficiently sealed. The first time you make these, you will almost certainly have some burgers that lose their cheese...it takes some practice. To make a somewhat healthier and easier version, omit the bacon. Good luck! Now that's what I am talking about. That is exactly what springtime grilling is all about. burnt fat on the barbie. (never EVER omit the bacon!) ;-)
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