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Posts posted by joshlh

  1. Well, I can't comment on why most people would rather go to Paris than to Quebec, but in my case it's because our tickets were only $170/person before tax (which bumped them all the way up to $250). I'm in Boston, not so far from Montreal really, and I don't think I could get there that cheaply. And as for the rest of our budget, we've already booked the cheap hotel, don't plan on taking any taxis, and will pretty much be confining our shopping to comestibles. And even after all that, as much as it pains me, we'll have to forego the expensive meals. So, I don't really expect that we'll eat that much better than we could in the US. But I do hope that we'll find better casual meals more easily, and that the experience in general will be different and exciting.

    Bux, you mention patisseries and chocolatiers. Any chance for a few quick recommendations in that area?

    Thanks, everyone, for all your help.

  2. Cabrales, thanks for the recommendations -- I'll definitely read the threads you mention. References like this are a great help, as despite my best efforts to find information here relevant to my particular situation, I usually get sidetracked and absorbed by threads on all sorts of other topics! My price range, I'm sorry to say, tops out at around 30 euros a person. Ideally, we'd want to spend less than that day to day and more than that (50 or 60)once or twice if it meant enjoying a higher quality meal or a different sort of dining experience.

    Pan, your advice is also much appreciated. We're staying at the Libertel Grand Turenne in the Marais district for part of the time, and left the last few days open in case we want to go outside of Paris or try another hotel.

  3. Hi,

    I think I saw one earlier post with a few recommendations, but as someone who is traveling to Paris in a couple of days, I would be very appreciative of any current recommendations for cheap but wonderful food. I can't afford the more expensive establishments, but can't find much information about or recommendations for more casual and inexpensive restaurants. Any advice, even on where to look for further advice, would be most welcome.

    Also, any tips on a good quick guide for pronounciation of French? I have no knowledge of the language or its pronounciation, and am going to feel like a clod if I have to point at menu items rather than say my order aloud. For that matter, are there any general tips on the dining experience or other interactions for someone with my lack of language skills? If the people speak better English than I do French, I'm going to feel a little stupid saying "bonjour" and "merci"...but then maybe the effort would be appreciated?



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