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Posts posted by Ramathorn

  1. Bumping an old thread. I'm about to purchase the Creative as a house warming present. How have they been holding up? Thanks.

    That said, I don't use it more than the recommended amount so I can't speak to that issue

    There is a recommended amount of time for use? I dont really read directions very often so I guess I missed that part!

    I'm referring to my original post which said:

    "Polyscience bills it as for "casual use", which I understand (in their definition of the term) to mean 2-3 times per week."

  2. Bumping an old thread. I'm about to purchase the Creative as a house warming present. How have they been holding up? Thanks.

    Wow, great house warming gift!

    I've been very happy with my Creative. That said, I don't use it more than the recommended amount so I can't speak to that issue (not because I'm concerned, just because I still cook conventionally quite often and I'm only cooking at home).

    It seems very well constructed, however, and notwithstanding that I haven't compared it to the pro version I'm not all that worried about its build quality.

    All in all, would recommend.

  3. "You cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?"

    Maybe a bit dramatic, but I've been thinking critically, lately, about my development as a cook. I'll note here an amateur, though enthusiastic, cook. I've come to the conclusion that my weakness now is a lack of creativity with respect to vegetables, both as sides and mains. And sides generally.

    I've become so immersed in cooking the perfect, moist, flavourful chicken breast; mastering a med-rare rib eye, or cedar smoking a fillet of salmon so it's flakey but not overcooked; etc.--not to mention my latest experiments with cooking sous vide--that vegetables/sides have become kind of an afterthought. Carelessly steamed or sautéed and tossed on the plate next to the "true prize".

    I know there's lots to learn. Any recommendations for books/resources that might help me both with ideas and technique for improving this area?


  4. Through a confluence of circumstances I've found myself in possession of a Sipromac 350 vacuum chamber sealer with an MC-40 panel.

    I understand it is also sold as the Berkel 350.

    I have the manual which isn't much use when it comes to using this thing for sous vide applications.

    Does anyone here have any experience with this machine (or one similar)? I basically just need a little help actually operating it, I have no idea right now and so haven't gone further than manipulating the keys a bit.

    Thanks for any help!

  5. Hey all,

    I'm about to take the plunge and buy an immersion rig. I've given it a lot of thought and decided it's down to either of Chef or Creative Polyscience units. I want a unit with a pump, a high degree of precision, and to basically be self-contained (not a controller and a rice cooker, for example). It seems like those two fit the bill and are (relatively) reasonably priced.

    Based on the discounts, shipping, etc. it's essentially going to be a $217 difference between the two. I can't decide if the Chef series is worth it.

    I'm not sure how often I'll use the rig, it could be 5 nights a week with some 24-48 hours cooking times, or maybe I won't use it that much. Anything is in the cards at this point.

    I'm most concerned about the durability of the Creative.

    Polyscience bills it as for "casual use", which I understand (in their definition of the term) to mean 2-3 times per week.

    Does anyone have any experience, positive or negative, that might guide me here?

    Thanks for any assistance.

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