I work as a cook in a barbecue restaurant. I have for the last three years and some change, and I only make 7.75 an hour, at 19 years old. My boss has big plans for the restaurant but I have my doubts. All that we serve is leftovers 85% of the time. Everything has been heated and re heated. Take one of our side items, Brunswick stew, we make it, and it goes into the fridge, then whenever we need it, we put it into an amber Cambro and heat it in the microwave. We are told to refer to it as a "warmer". Let's say we don't use all of what was heated, it then goes back into the fridge, only to be reheated and used the next day. On certain foods that don't sell often they can be reheated numerous times. Obviously the food quality is lacking. Even our main seller, the pork, is reheated at times, on a flat top grill. What are some practices we could do? I've suggested smaller batches be made to ensure that customers receive fresh food but unfortunately that means more work for the employees and not everyone is happy with that seeing as how a large portion of our staff are just teenagers working a part time job that know absolutely nothing about food, nor have an interest in it. Should I try and better the company or just jump ship to better myself? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk