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Ike Epley

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Posts posted by Ike Epley

  1. Help, I am having a dinner party on Thursday night which is difficult for me as I work all day everyday. I am making lie flottante, I am going to do the creme anglais sous vide on Wed. I want to make the meringues early, but don't know how long they will keep. I also have a chamber vacuum sealer and am having trouble keeping the liquid in the bags upon sealing. All help is greatly appreciated.


  2. Hello All,

    I recently purchased the VP215c and think that I am going to love it. I am having no trouble sealing solids, however I am having trouble sealing liquids. I am also having trouble learning what the correct settings for various uses. The manual does not give any help as to time to vacuum, etc. I have read the Modernist and tried to determine myself, but it has been spotty at best. My first question is regarding the sealing of liquids. Can someone be specific as to the settings to seal a bag for Creme Anglaise and other liquids? Is there a reference manual or book that can tell me the settings for other foods? Many thanks.


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