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  1. I'll boil the seeds then. Thanks for the idea. And, I won't go too heavy handed on the flavour application for fried rice, chicken, etc. I think some of the chicken will also get a curry treatment. Here's to learning about this fruit and all of its savoury applications! Dinner awaits...
  2. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. I'm guessing I should flesh out and/or update my profile... I generally cook from every cuisine and technique I can learn about and get my hands on. I'll make sure to update this with my durian pursuits, but I'm open to more suggestions!
  3. Thanks for both of the ideas. I think I'll try and use them both tonight, actually! The durian fried rice might be divided into a curry-yogurt based fried rice, and a simpler dish focusing almost completely on the durian. I'm planning on having a salad, and I'll take this into consideration. I can't source banana bud by tonight, but I have other fresh ingredients that I'll try to work with a nice vinagrette and create something interesting (and hopefully appetizing).
  4. The majority of recipes and ideas involving durian seem to revolve around ice creams, shakes, cakes, squares, and other sweets. I want to work it into a bunch of dinner dishes tonight, but I can't eat 6 courses of dessert! So far, I've only come across durian fried rice, and on a personal level I'm thinking it might be good to bake chicken in a rich durian-coconut sauce, by just blended flesh and coconut cream. Thoughts? Thanks for any ideas - I'll try them tonight!
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