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Posts posted by MrT

  1. Another one in Melbourne, Australia - received it today from amazon.ca, no cardboard box, just plastic wrap, which was coming apart - certainly didn't need any tools to open it up, unlike MC!

    Very disappointing - how on earth does anyone think its a good idea to send a huge $100 book half way around the world in flimsy plastic. Some damage to the spine of the book, as well as to the corners of the slip case. Stupid, stupid company.

    Time to sign into amazon.ca and complain, eh?

  2. Hmmmm. Maybe my excitement was a bit too soon. I think I've ended up with a first printing, not second printing - when I check against some of the errata items on the MC website, the errors are in the copies I have. Is there any definitive way of checking which print run I've got? All I can see on the copyright page is "First edition, 2011". I'd assumed that anything that was shipped last week would have to be second printing - wouldn't it??

  3. First post here. Just wanted to say that mine has just arrived in Australia. After a 3 month wait since ordering it, it only took 5 days to get here from Amazon (over a weekend - it actually landed Downunder 2 days after it was sent, but I had to wait until Monday for delivery - not bad for $17 postage!!). First impressions - wow! It is sitting in the middle of the living room at the moment like "the Monolith" from 2001 - new knowledge awaits...

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