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  1. AngerBoy


    Not sure if you're still hunting for this info, but you can buy Mahia online at: http://www.drinkupny.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=mahia&Submit.x=0&Submit.y=0
  2. AngerBoy


    Hi all! I'm a brand-new eGullet member, posting here for the first time. I have just finished letting my first-ever batch of sauerkraut ferment for about a month, and I think I'm ready to scoop it out of the crock and move it into the fridge. I used red cabbage, and it's now a gorgeous shade of magenta! Before I scoop out the kraut, though (I'm planning to move it into individual mason jars), I have what is probably a really dumb and simple question: Should I keep the kraut submerged in its brine when I jar it, or should I strain it and only keep the cabbage itself? Thanks in advance for your patience with a first-timer!
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