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Everything posted by Doodlebug1980

  1. http://www.chinchinjobs.com/news/Article/america-looks-to-ban-non-alcoholic-energy-drinks-including-red-bull-1075 This proposed law sounds ridiculous to me. It's up to adults to decide what they put in their bodies. How can you ban caffeinated energy drinks when there are plenty of other incredibly unhealthy food and drinks on the shelves? And where would this leave really strong coffees, like double/ triple espressos?
  2. Sounds great I will definitely be checking that one out!
  3. I split my time between Bristol and London, UK. Would love to live in the states for a year though - NYC or San Fran. I've always wanted to visit Portland too....
  4. http://www.chinchinjobs.com/news/Article/antique-wine-from-napolean-iii-era-fetches-record-147000-967 Apparently the prices are already been driven up by Chinese investors. Once India and China become more interested in wine, prices could be driven up way beyond the reach of ordinary Joes. Sad, but I guess inevitable in a free market?
  5. I saw on a TV programme that a large Pizza Hut Pizza is nearly over 3000 calories. That's even more than a woman is supposed to eat in one day! Now, I know everyone knows pizza hut isn't great for you, but how many people might, say, once a month think 'I've had a tough week at work, I'm going to stay in and treat myself to a take away pizza and a bottle of red wine'? I think they have a right to know that they are taking in WAY more than their daily reccomended calories in one single meal!
  6. Yeah I've eaten at Yauatucha before, but I wouldn't put it down as a favouritebecause it was so incredibly overpriced. Tayyabs! What a great place, love that one too....
  7. I am absolutely flabbergasted that a Chef would behave like this! How very unprofessional!
  8. Ahhh thank you, I'll check out the Bistro instead then, more in my budget anyway! One thing I'm on the hunt for is a really decent Mexican restaurant in London. The new one on Commercial Street, I can't remeber its name, is also on the 'to do' list....
  9. Which London restaurants are your favourites, and which are on your 'to try' list? My current favourites: Tha Fat Duck (of course) Sardo (amazing Italian in Fitzrovia) Leong's Legends (best dim sum in central London) And one next on my list I've been meanign to visit for ages is Galvin la Chapelle.... their award-winning desert sounds simply devine: http://www.chinchinjobs.com/news/Article/london-restaurant-galvin-la-chapelle-wins-prestigious-trophy-959
  10. http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Govts+should+regulate+food+salt+content+Study/3764343/story.html Following on from potential legislation requiring restaurants to list calorie content, do you think Governments should place controls on food content? My father died of a stroke so I can see the need for greater control. But I worry that it would be a slippery slope, and too many laws and restrictions will just end up damaging the industry...
  11. Wow! Can't wait for soemthing like that to become available in the UK!
  12. From a consumer's perspective, I think displaying the entire nutritional content of restaurant foods - sugars, saturated fats, salt etc - rather than just the calories could be very benficial. I do believe a lot of 'healthy' food marketing misleads consumers. Food and nutrition education is a big problem - some people don't receive good enough education at school or from their parents, and companies exploit this. There needs to be more transparency and better, non-biased education and information.
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